The Secret Life of Lady Lucinda

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Book: The Secret Life of Lady Lucinda by Sophie Barnes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophie Barnes
I mean.”
    “I couldn’t agree more,” Andrew said, tossing back the remainder of his drink and reaching for the bottle that was standing on the side table next to his chair. “And your wife is lovely, William, absolutely lovely. Honestly, I couldn’t be happier for you.”
    William groaned. Apparently everyone thought her the most wonderful creature in all of Christendom. If only they’d stop singing her praises so repeatedly—it was not only tiresome to listen to but served to make him that much more aware of the fact that she wasn’t who she appeared to be. “Thank you, both. I’m pleased to know that you’re enjoying yourselves.” What else was he to say? He certainly wasn’t about to tell them that Lucy wasn’t nearly as lovely as they thought her to be. Whatever issues the two of them were having, they were a private matter—not something that he was prepared to discuss with anyone other than his closest family.
    “So tell us, William,” Stanton said as he and Charles claimed the last remaining seats across from William, each with his own drink in hand, “how’s married life suiting you?”
    “You’ve definitely won the grand prize as far as her ladyship is concerned,” Charles added, “beauty and brains all tied up in a neat little package.”
    “I couldn’t agree more,” Andrew said as he raised his glass. “It really does seem as though we must toast your good fortune, William.” And raising their glasses, his friends proceeded to do just that.
    William smiled to show his appreciation but said nothing.
    “It was rather hasty, come to think of it,” Andrew suddenly blurted out. “Are we to assume that there’s a little Summersby on the way?”
    “Good God, Andrew,” Charles exclaimed. “Do you always have to say the first thing that pops into your head?”
    Andrew shrugged. “We’re all friends here, and besides, I’d rather be firm and direct and leave the wishy-washiness to the ladies.” He then arched a brow and turned to William, one big question mark adorning his handsome face. “Well?”
    William couldn’t help but smile. As peculiar as he was, he loved Andrew and his boyish ways. “As far as I am aware, that is not the case. It certainly wasn’t the reason for my hasty decision to marry. No, I merely decided that my time was up and…having come across her ladyship at a private function, decided that she would do very nicely as my wife.”
    Andrew nodded understandingly as he sank back against his seat. “Well, congratulations then. I’m sure you’ll be very happy together.”
    “Here, here,” the rest of the group added, all raising their glasses for yet another toast.
    “So, Charles tells us that you’re off on your wedding trip soon,” Galensbury remarked. “Mentioned you’d be heading to Constantinople?”
    William nodded, noting with some curiosity the spark of interest that flared in his friend’s eyes. “You were there yourself some years back, were you not?”
    Galensbury nodded, a pleasant smile drawn across his lips while his eyes took on a distant gaze. “I found the Turks to be a very loveable people—wonderful cuisine and a culture unlike any you’ve ever seen north of the Alps. It’s a long journey to be sure, but in my opinion very much worth it. And, if this was her ladyship’s idea, then you really are a fortunate man. Most women would choose to go to Paris and shop for the latest fashion,” he said as he shuddered.
    “My words exactly,” Andrew added.
    The door opened and Ryan entered, followed by Alexandra’s husband Michael, the Earl of Trenton.
    “Where the devil have you two been?” William asked as he stared at both men.
    “Michael was telling me about his newly acquired mare during dinner. It was quite obvious that he was eager to show her off, so I suggested we take a walk over to the stables. I have to say that it was well worth it. She’s a stunning creature, William. You really must see her.”
    “I shall look

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