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Book: Stay by Alyssa Rose Ivy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alyssa Rose Ivy
really well?”
    Daria laughed. “It’s the nymph part that helps.”
    “Nymph?” Toby seemed to know what that was, but I certainly didn’t unless it meant exactly what it sounded like.
    “Yes, nymph. We shift into bears, but we’ve got some added extra appetites.”
    Mom laughed. It was a light laugh I hadn’t heard come out of her in years. “Yes, some added appetites indeed. But you know what tree nymphs are, don’t you?”
    Ugh. I didn’t need to listen to my mom discuss sexual appetites. “Yeah, vaguely.” I blocked them all out, but that just made it easier to concentrate on the fact that we were on water, and that wasn’t a good thing either.
    I looked back at the shore. Toby looked tiny in the distance, but he was still there. Despite everything I’d really gotten lucky in that department.
    Mom cleared her throat. “Casey, when we get across you need to follow instructions very closely.”
    “We will likely be separated, but just do what they tell you to do. No one is going to hurt you. They’ll be able to tell you’re one of the family.”
    “What if they can’t?” Panicking about that seemed easier than thinking about the boat. “What if they don’t believe us?”
    “They will. Gareth will not hurt you.”
    “Who’s Gareth?”I had a feeling I knew, but I asked anyway.
    “My mate. Vera’s father.” Vera’s father. It was still so strange to think about us not having the same father. Accepting Robert in theory was one thing, but accepting all the other parts that came with it was even harder.
    “Are you sure he won’t hurt me?” I was the evidence of why she left, although I still didn’t understand what happened.
    “No. He won’t.”
    “Will he hurt you?” I hated to ask in front of the twins, but it needed to be said. She was scared of something, and I was almost positive it was him.
    “No!” The twins glared at me. “How could he hurt his mate?”
    “Because she left after having someone else’s…” I stopped what did they know?
    “You can finish. They know about that. They helped me leave.”
    “Oh. Then wouldn’t he be angry?”
    “More like heartbroken.” Daria pulled her knees up to her chin. “He’s never taken another mate.”
    “It’s not as though I have either.” Mom looked off into the distance.
    “You mean you and Dad…”
    “Never. He’s a good friend.”
    “A good friend who shared the same bed with you for eighteen years?” How was that even possible? Wasn’t it awkward? Did they have any feelings for each other?
    “Exactly. I don’t expect you to understand.”
    I didn’t. I didn’t understand anything about my life, but that didn’t mean I had to make a big deal about it. “I guess I’ll understand eventually.”
    Mom smiled. “There’s that positive attitude again.”
    I looked back at the shore. I couldn’t even see Toby anymore. That meant that we were getting close to the other shore. I glanced over my shoulder and regretted it. We were almost there, and there were people waiting for us—or not people. Bear shifters.
    “Casey?” Mom put a hand on my arm. “Are you okay, hun?”
    I breathed in and out heavily a few times. “I think I’m going to be sick.”
    “From the boat? From nerves?”
    “Maybe a little of both.”
    “Daria, can you do something?” Mom asked worriedly. She wasn’t looking so good herself, but she didn’t nearly as sick as I felt.
    “Of course.” Daria put a hand on my forehead, and I was immediately overcome by a cooling sensation. My nausea faded away.
    “Wow.” I smiled. “Thank you.”
    “Anytime.” Daria grinned.
    “Can you both do that?” I looked at the twins.
    “Nope. But I could warm you up.” Maddock arched an eyebrow.
    “You have the power to create warmth?” Was it the nymph side giving them these special abilities?
    Daria elbowed her brother. “No, he’s being gross.”
    “Oh.” Understanding dawned on me. “No thanks.”
    Maddock laughed.

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