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Authors: Pamela Ann
do it.”
    “Good,” he said after a full minute. “Thank you.”
    Dammit. Even when sparring, he acted polite and gentlemanly. “Okay. You’re welcome.”
    “I have a business dinner to attend to . Have a goodnight, Isobel.”
    Who was his plus one? I was dying to know, yet I didn’t even dare ask the infuriating question.
    “Night ,” I finally said before he opened the door and exited my room.
    Fifteen minutes later, I was left staring at the door , wondering what was wrong with me. In the beginning, I had been grateful he even considered my father’s proposal, but in the span of a week, hate and anger had somehow managed to wiggle their way in, making me question why the man evoked so much emotion out of me. Given that it was hate, anger, and displeasure, why did I care to feel hate, anger, and displeasure? I was left more confused than an hour ago.

Chapter 13
    Two days later, his aunt and cousin Elena arrived late in the afternoon. We were out in the garden, underneath a pergola that had white, see-through silk veils, overlooking the beautiful French Riviera. Hugo was supposed to join us but was actually running late, and I had to prematurely play hostess until His Highness was back from his business endeavors.
    Elena , just as I had expected, appeared like a spoiled, bored princess, minding only herself as she frantically tapped away on her phone.
    His aunt Julee and Elena had the same features as Hugo—dark hair, chocolate eyes , and excellent gene pool. Both women also had that kind of air of elegance that was purely imbued from a very young age, most especially his aunt. From the way she carefully sipped on her china to her indirect way of interrogating me, it was all done with refined finesse. If it weren’t for her obvious doubts about me, I could’ve actually gotten along with her. Then again, I couldn’t blame her suspicions. I did, after all, come out of thin air as she’d carefully put it.
    She might have appeared poised and calm, but I wasn’t fooled. After all, my family ran with circles that reminded me of Julee; suspicious, self-righteous, self-entitled.
    “I found it rather odd that Hugo instantly changed his lifestyle after ten years of b eing an infamous Casanova all over Europe.” Her brow raised a tad before a malice-filled smile. “Pardon my rudeness, but I just don’t believe it.”
    Well , then why even try to appease her already made up mind? “You’re more than welcome to your own opinion.” Shrugging, I reached out to take a sip of my coffee. I took my time sipping, tasting the liquid on my tongue before I placed it back on the saucer. “It seems you’ve already made up your mind, so I’m under no obligation to change it.”
    “Carry on that attitude , and you wouldn’t last long with my nephew. I can guarantee you that,” she threatened, her composure slightly slipping from her anger.
    My, not even an hour in , and we were already enemies. Great. However, as much as I wanted to play nice, she was the one who’d started it, and I wasn’t going to let her treat me like dirt. My father already filled that role in my life; I need not do with another.
    “As the saying goes, there are a lot of fishes in the ocean…” my rebuttal came with a smug look. “So I’m not bothered by your threats.”
    Julee became tomato red as she instantly stood up, glaring down at me. “Hugo won’t tolerate this disrespect towards his family. I’ll make sure he knows how selfish you are.”
    Seriously? “Be my guest, Julee,” I murmured before I watched her walk away, raving mad with anger.
    “My mother… She’s something, isn’t she?”
    My head spun to the side to glance at Elena. “She definitely is.” My riled up em otions started to ebb away, making me sigh with relief. “I had no idea that you were paying attention to the conversation.”
    “I always pay attention,” she blurted out, giving me a wicked smile. “I can’t stand my mother. One gets

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