Kanda's Alien: A Scifi Romance (Dagrinian Love 2)
been using. I follow him to the closet where he pulls out his
rugged looking black boots and puts them on.
    I take in his powerful
look. Fitted black pants and contoured collared white shirt. The
short sleeves stretch around his muscular arms. I understand how
the shirt feels. I have a chute that gets stretched by him too. The
slight soreness between my legs is proof of that. I have to admit
that he’s looking good while I’m standing here naked.
    “ It won’t take me long to
get dressed.” I can slip a dress over my head in no time. “I
    A beep from the wide band
around his forearm draws both our attention. At his frown I know
he’s needed, but I don’t want to be left here alone. I don’t want
to rest and snack.
    “ I will be bored without
you. You seriously need some form of entertainment around here or a
job I can do.” I put my fists on my hips and glare up at the tall
bastard. “Otherwise, I’m coming with you.”
    The heat in his gaze
reminds me of why I don’t mind being naked around him. I feel a
small swirl of desire move through my core. I ignore it and refuse
to back down.
    His eyes turn calculating.
My nerves are on full alert as I wait to see what he’s cooking up.
A smile curls his lips as he walks into his office and rummages
through a drawer.
    He walks back over to me
with a small black device and hands it to me. The thing has a
silver streak down the back and a blank screen on the front. The
device is twice the size of my hand. This must be a small computer.
Excitement swims around in my belly.
    Klimen pushes a black
button on the side and the screen flickers and then glows to life.
I can’t stop the giggle that comes from me. I love computers. I
used to use ours to decide where Rogan and I would go. My heart
sinks and feels too heavy for my chest.
    “ Are you sure we can’t go
to Earth and look for my best mate? Rogan needs me.” I grip
Klimen’s arm tightly. “He’s willing to work.” Tears well in my eyes
and my throat closes up.
    Klimen wraps me in his
arms. “We can’t go to Earth. It’s not on our plotted course. And
even if it was there is no guarantee that we could find him or that
he’s still alive. I’m sorry, Kanda, but we will never be able to
look for him. You have to live your life and let him live
    I don’t like his words
even though I know they are true. I take a couple of quivering
breaths to gain some control over my emotions. This is the part of
my new life that I don’t like. I have no control over where I go or
who I see. It sucks hairy kangaroo balls. That’s bad.
    Klimen guides me to the
golden couch and settles me next to him. “In time it’s going to be
okay. While I’m gone you can try to complete some of the mission
exercises on the practice unit. You’ll be mapping out the safest
routes to accomplish the mission and then you’ll go in and do the
mission to see if your plan works.”
    “ I used to check out
places before we went in on a small computer pad. This could be
fun.” I push my sadness away and note that Klimen is being nice by
giving me something to do while he’s away. Not everyone would do
this for me. Either he’s uber-nice or I mean more to him than just
a sesien min. My heart flutters at the thought.
    He touches the far right
corner of the screen and several icons pop onto the screen. I suck
in a harsh breath. I can’t believe it.
    “ What’s wrong, sesien
    I shake my head and look
up into his concerned eyes. “I’m just godsmacked.”
    Confusion clouds his
diamond shaped eyes. “What does godsmacked mean?”
    “ In Australian in means
shocked or astounded.” I point at the screen. “I can read the
missions even though they aren’t in English. That godsmacked me.”
Alien technology is purely amazing. Almost as amazing as Klimen
    A smile lights his ocean
blues up. “Yes, the communicator chip I put

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