Heir to the Sundered Crown
of ghouls and scrabbled up the earthworks, some were headless, others had limbs missing, but all had once been villagers. A father, a husband a wife or a sister, all had once been mortal human beings.
    Many fell backwards down the steep mound, but as soon as they fell they would right themselves and try again. Hundreds managed the climb, and at once attacked the rangers who now stabbed and fought desperately.
    Woven saw that the horde was swarming all along the earthwork. When one zombie was finally slain two more would take its place until the foot of the earthworks was filled with their corpses of which more used to climb up the steep bank.
    Woven decapitated a zombie and impaled another on his blade. They were easy to destroy, but the sheer number was starting to cause the defence line to collapse. Hundreds of Rangers were now falling under the swarm of un-dead their screams muffled by moans and the sound of battle. Blood sprayed his face as a zombie sunk its teeth into the neck of a nearby Ranger.
    “Fall back!” roared the now familiar voice of Sir Grandir.
    Charging fast from the direction of the second defence line came the knights of Niveren. There were only forty of them but their warhorses smashed into the zombies that had successfully scaled the earthworks. Now Woven and the surviving rangers turned and jumped scrambling down the steep bank towards the second line. Once more the roar of the Werewolves filled his ears.
    Now that the archers had been driven off they attacked en masse. Hundreds of fleeing rangers were chased down and torn apart by the monsters.
    Woven didn’t look back as he ran past the charging Knights. The mounted warriors hacked their way through the zombies rescuing wounded rangers. A werewolf leapt sending a knight sprawling to the ground; his horse whinnied in fear and was abruptly silenced as the Wolf sunk its teeth into the poor creature’s neck. Zombies overwhelmed one knight throwing him to the ground before ripping away his armour and ripping into his flesh. Woven wished he could block out the screams, never before had he witnessed such horror in battle, and yet more horror was to come.
    Stood behind the ranks of undead was a tall figure. Its flesh was rotted, its bones were visible. At first glance it looked like a walking skeleton. In fact it was a Lich.
    A tattered and torn cloak billowed in the cold breeze sweeping through the pass. In its hands was a long black staff which it now held high into the air.
    With an unearthly scream the ghouls advanced upon the Eclin defenders and victory for the un-dead quickly followed.
    Caldaria was a riot of colour. Fire jugglers and circus acts cart wheeled and danced their way through the streets. Even the mages got in on the celebrations. Fireworks lit up the sky and magic dazzled and amazed stunned onlookers. All thoughts of war and evil were cast out of folk’s minds as they celebrated the feast of the Brave Knight .
    Luxon pulled his cloak tighter about his shoulders. Despite it being the height of summer, an unnatural chill was in the winds. He stood on the balcony outside of the dorms, leaning against the rough stonework; despite the festivities he couldn’t shake the feeling of unease that had been tormenting him for the past few moons.
    Word has come from Sunguard of the overthrow of the Privy Council. According to all accounts the Mid lands were now under the command of what folk whispered was the Legion of the Usurper. Rason hadn’t wasted anytime in establishing his authority over his new ‘kingdom’, the sot had even tried to have him-self crowned in the ruins of the old King’s hall on the summit of the peak which rose over the capital. Resistance had been virtually non-existent. The legionaries that had supported the council quickly bowed the knee to their general.
    In the days that followed Luxon had spent long hours under the tutelage of Thanos. He had learnt so much already.

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