Temporary Fiancée

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Book: Temporary Fiancée by Judy Rogers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Judy Rogers
Tags: Contemporary
smiled wryly, remembering his initial reaction to her that morning, yesterday morning now. He glanced at the large clock on the wall. It was close to five a.m., and he hadn’t slept in nearly twenty-four hours.
    That was his last conscious thought until Angela shook him awake forty-five minutes later. “Wake up, Rand. We can go home now.”
    Rand opened his eyes to see Angela and her father in front of him. George, seated in a wheelchair, looked much better. “They think it’s just the flu,” George said sheepishly.
    Rand yawned and nodded. “Good. Now Angela won’t have to press charges against Haley.”
    “Against Haley? What are you talking about?”
    “She accused Haley of trying to poison you with the salmon, and threatened to call the police.”
    Angela had the grace to look embarrassed. “She was the one who brought up the salmon. Anyway, I was very worried about you, Daddy. I’m glad it’s only the flu.”
    All three of them yawned at the same time and laughed, then Rand called a taxi to take them home. He hoped Haley was still in bed. In the cab, Rand regretted letting George sit in front with the driver as he resolutely resisted Angela’s attempts to cuddle against him. When her hand brushed against his fly, he grabbed her fingers and placed them forcefully in her lap.
    “Cut it out. I’m not interested,” he whispered. “Unlike you, I am faithful to the person I plan to marry.”
    Ignoring his words, Angela leaned over and kissed him full on the mouth. “You can’t possibly be serious about that little twit. She looks like she needs a babysitter, not a man like you. I know what you need.”
    Rand was surprised to feel more than a twinge of disgust at her blatant attempts to seduce him. “You know, Angela, there’s a lot you could learn from Haley.”
    She laughed scornfully. “Like what?”
    “Like sweetness and compassion and how to really turn a man on. There’s something very seductive about having an old fashioned value system.”
    “You’re delusional if you think you can replace me with that child,” she huffed and turned toward the window, ignoring him for the remainder of the trip.

Chapter Seven
    Haley heard the whispering before she was fully awake. It was a child’s voice, right in her ear. She rolled over and stared into the bright blue eyes of a little girl no more than five years old. Delphine hung over her arms like a fur stole.
    “Hi,” the little girl whispered. “Who are you?”
    “Haley,” she answered, trying to get her bearings. Where the heck was she?
    “Are you going to be my new aunt?”
    Haley yawned as the grim reality came back to her. She shook her head. “Nope. I’m not going to be your aunt.” Sleepily, she tried to decide if that were a good or bad thing.
    “How come you’re in the bed with Uncle Rand then?”
    Haley glanced over her shoulder to see Rand, naked to the waist, sound asleep on the other side of the bed. After tossing and turning until five, she must have fallen asleep because she hadn’t heard him come back. She lifted her head to check the clock on the nightstand. Seven-thirty. With a groan, she dropped back on the pillow.
    The little girl shifted her grip as Delphine slipped from her hold.
    “Come up here so I can get a better look at you.” Haley dragged them both on the bed. Delphine nestled in beside her, but the child immediately jumped down.
    “You can’t let your dog lie on the bed,” she said with a precocious toss of her head. “Uncle Rand won’t like it.”
    “What’s your name, sweetie?”
    Her tiny brows drew together. “Pet names are for people who don’t have real names. I have a real name.”
    This little charmer, dressed in cherry red shorts and pink t-shirt, sounded just like her uncle. However, she was looking longingly at Delphine. Haley guessed the “No Pets” rule also applied to the little house at the far edge of Rand’s property.
    Sliding her legs over the side of the bed, she gathered Delphine

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