Embracing the Flames

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Book: Embracing the Flames by Candace Knoebel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Candace Knoebel
    “I brought you here to meet Eralise...your mother,” he said, an edge of laughter staining his words.
    I felt a quick burst of wind as my mother flew towards us, shimmering through the night sky. She was pale blue, but underneath the moon’s light, her enchanted scales gave the illusion of thousands of tiny clouds. I felt my knees tremble with nervous excitement.
    She landed with a loud thud a few feet away from us, tucking her claw-tipped wings and her spiked tail underneath her. She knelt down as a horse would, her large oval-shaped eyes level with mine.
    She was more beautiful than I had ever imagined. I felt the warmth of a tear against my cheek. I wanted to thank my dad, but I couldn’t bring myself to take my eyes off her. This moment I had so longed for; to finally be in the presence of her. I didn’t want her to vanish.
    I stepped forward, reaching into the air in disbelief.
    Her eyes were light blue, speckled with the color of snow. Black slits centered vertically in her eyes, the same way mine were when I was shifted. “Aurora,” she crooned, her majestic voice choking with emotion.
    I didn’t think twice as I ran to embrace her. It was an awkward hug, trying to decide where would be the best place to grab. I chose her leg. The scales were cold and as smooth as glass — the same as mine. Her laughter at my actions was contagious. “It wasn’t quite the hug I had imagined,” I said delicately, trying to ease the moment.
    She snuffled, a plume of chilled air leaving her snout. I looked up, shivering from the sudden chill of her breath.
    “I’ve missed you, my Little Flame,” she confessed, softly rubbing her snout against my side. “I’m so very sorry that we weren’t always there for you. I’m sorry that even now, I can’t be what you need.” She broke off and swung her snout away underneath the blurred starry sky.
    “Don’t,” I said, reaching up to touch her again. Her eyes were filled with pain and sorrow. “Don’t blame yourself. I’m okay, really. I’m surrounded by love. It’s almost overwhelming,” I admitted, sliding my hands over her scales in a nurturing manner. I gave my best happy face, but her features didn’t change. She didn’t smile back at me.
    “I’m just glad you’re alright,” I breathed. “I thought that maybe something had happened to you since dad couldn’t get in touch with you.”
    Her face fell. “It’s hard for anyone who is not of Draconta blood to get in touch with us. We have been very selective with our communication, and your grandfather can be quite a pain when it comes to things he doesn’t agree with.” She sounded resentful. “He is, after all, the King, and we must abide by him.” It sounded like something she had told herself many times over.
    “Things grow more dangerous as the days pass, Aurora,” she continued. “That is why we are meeting here tonight. I wanted to see you safe. To see you before —” She broke off again, this time exhaling a deeper, chilled breath that extinguished the flames smoldering along my skin.
    “How did you do that?” I asked.
    She laughed a little. “I am a frost dragon. Dragons are born possessing one of the four elements. Didn’t you know?” she asked, tilting her head at me.
    “Aside from what I have learned in the books Astral has given me, I haven’t learned much about my dragon side.”
    My father put his hand on my shoulder. “The time will come soon enough. You will have your chance to fill your mind with as much knowledge as you can stand, Little Flame.” 
    My mother smiled reassuringly and then said, “As you know, we are on the brink of war. Gabe’s reporting tells us that Zordon’s army is steadily growing stronger and that he is meeting with the Dark Saar again. If whispers are true, if they agree to aid him, then our Chasm is in grave danger. I fear that he will successfully split us apart.”
    I felt my dad stiffen behind me. “Other than his soul, what could

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