Sleeping With the Wolf

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Book: Sleeping With the Wolf by Maddy Barone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maddy Barone
    The Alpha who killed men and commanded a pack of werewolves sounded just like a high school boy trying to sweet talk his date into the back of his pickup. She hesitantly undid her belt buckle. She was stuck here in this future world, and she belonged to Taye.
    So far he had treated her as well as he could. It was inevitable that they would have sex someday. Wasn’t it better to ease into it? A little kissing here, a little petting there, before having full-out sex?
    She undid the button of her jeans and slid a look at Taye. His head still leaned back against his chair, but his eyes watched her fingers hungrily.
    “Don’t look!” she said involuntarily.
    He closed his eyes. “Come here, then, so I can feel you.”
    When Carla stood up and turned so she was facing him, his arm snaked out and looped around her waist. He kept his eyes closed when he dragged her closer. She had to stand so his knee was between her legs. Her breasts were just at the level of his face. His free hand came up to caress them through her shirt. With his arm around her waist he made her sit on his knee. He inhaled gently against her throat and groaned.
    “Don’t hurt yourself,” she said sharply.
    His eyes burned into hers. “I feel no pain. Take off your shirt.”
    “Why not?”
    “I don’t want you to look at me.”
    “Only the Lupa can deny the Alpha and get away with it.” Taye made a production of closing his eyes. “I’ll let you get away with it if you will let me touch you where ever I want.”
    Carla thought about it. “Okay.”
    “Stand up,” he ordered huskily. When she had obeyed his hands stroked over her breasts and down to her thighs, then searched for her zipper. He pulled it down and his fingers wandered over the elastic of her panties’ waistband. The muscles in her lower belly clenched in anticipation, but he moved back up, sliding his hands under her blouse to cup her breasts through her bra.
    “Kiss me, mate,” he murmured.
    She did, leaning over and putting her hands on the arms of his chair to brace herself away from his wounds. Somewhere in the middle of his hot, drugging kisses his hands left her breasts and slid inside her jeans. He petted the silk of her panties and learned the shape of her hips and mound. She felt like a new frontier that he was exploring in excruciating detail. She shoved her jeans down her hips to give his large hands more room. His hand moved purposefully into her panties, navigating through soft pubic hair to her slit. He stroked and petted while she bit her lip to control her breathing.
    “You’re wet.” His growl sounded delighted. “You want me.”
    For answer she pushed her jeans further down and raised one knee to prop her foot on the edge of his chair. “Keep your eyes closed,” she commanded.
    “They’re closed, sweetheart, but I don’t like orders. Remember that.”
    “Whatever,” she said impatiently, wiggling her hips so one of his fingers slipped a fraction of an inch inside her. “Oh!”
    Taye sniffed audibly. “You like that. You want more?”
    He pushed one finger deep inside her, then took his fingers away to slide one in his mouth. “I like the way you taste.”
    “Are you going to just tease me?”
    “No, sweetheart, I’m going to give you everything you want. Hold onto my shoulder and let me know what you like.”
    She liked everything he did to her. Each time his finger went deep the heel of his hand brushed over her clitoris. She gripped his uninjured shoulder hard and urged him on with little gasps until her orgasm flooded her. Her legs turned to rubber and she collapsed on to his knee with her forehead pressed to his chest. As her pleasure waned, her embarrassment grew. Taye removed his hand from between her legs and licked his finger clean.
    “Sweetheart, are you all right?”
    “Fine. Um, did I hurt you?”
    “No. Can I open my eyes now?”
    “Just a sec.” She forced her wet-noodle legs to hold her

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