Scarlet Woman

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Book: Scarlet Woman by Shelley Munro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelley Munro
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance
couldn’t let herself lean on another man. She refused to make that mistake again. Emily shrugged out of the jacket she wore and lifted her T-shirt over her head. She tossed them both aside. The rocks acted as a barrier, blocking the worst of the wind. The sunshine warmed her bare skin and breasts. Saber’s eyes widened, making her laugh.
    “I’ll raise your one kiss and see you,” she quipped.
    Shelley Munro
    Chapter Five

    “I like the way you think.” Saber stood without taking his eyes off her. He stripped off the khaki green shirt he was wearing and dropped it to the ground. Emily licked her lips and scrambled to her feet. “I’m looking at you.”
    Saber flicked the metal stud fastening his jeans and it popped open. He pushed his jeans down his legs and came to a sheepish stop. “Better get the boots first.”
    Emily giggled, the nerves in the pit of her stomach dissolving with the flash of humor. While he finished undressing, she bent to unlace her borrowed boots and kicked them off before shimmying out of the sweats. Once she’d removed her socks she was completely naked since her damp bra was back in Saber’s bathroom drying and her panties were history.
    “I’m looking at you, too. And I’d have to say it’s a very nice view. Come closer.”
    His whisper held promises of pleasure to come. His gentle fingers seduced as they trailed across her cheekbone then traced her lips.
    Unbidden, her mouth opened, taking his finger inside its warmth. His eyes seemed to darken and shine at the same time with strange gold flecks. Emily stroked her tongue along the length of his finger and sucked. Saber groaned, and corresponding frissons of excitement arced through Emily. A tightening sensation deep inside her womb brought a soft gasp.
    Saber pulled his finger free. “I want to make love to you.”
    “Yes.” Emily shivered at the flare of desire in his beautiful eyes. He gathered together their discarded clothes, arranging them on the ground in a rough bed. Without warning, he swung her into his arms and set her down on top of their clothes.
    “Let me look at you.”
    Scarlet Woman
    Emily lifted her hands over her head and arched her body in a seductive pose.
    “Look all you want. It makes me hot,” she whispered.
    The sun played peek-a-boo behind clouds. When Emily gazed straight up, she caught the graceful V of Canadian geese flying overhead. She shifted, looking back at Saber and parting her legs in silent invitation.
    “You’re beautiful.” Saber placed a finger in the middle of her chest and traced a path around her breast before touching the tip. They both watched her nipple contract at his faint touch. “Show me what you like, kitten, how you want me to touch you.”
    Emily frowned, searching his face for signs of teasing. He wanted her to touch herself in front of him? Michael— Jeesh, she had to stop thinking of the two-timing scumbag, stop comparing them. Saber wasn’t Michael. They were poles apart. Or at least she thought they were. She was finding it difficult to trust her instincts when it came to men. A sharp breath leveled out the traces of anxiety that started to beat at her. Michael was in the past. She had to push beyond the way he’d treated her, the way he’d beat her confidence down, making her totally dependent on him, then trampled on her feelings, discarding her like a piece of litter. Forget it . Emily forced her attention back on Saber. “And will you do the same for me?”
    “Yes,” he said simply without hesitation. Saber blew a stream of warm air across the sensitive tip of her breast. Molten heat gathered between her legs. He took her nipple into the warmth of his mouth and drew gently with approximately the same force she’d used on his finger. Moving slowly, he seduced her even further with his slow, purposeful moves, plucking and playing her like an instrument. Emily burned with his every touch, a prickly awareness throbbing in her womb.
    “You trying to

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