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Book: Stand by Becky Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becky Johnson
noticed Jack and Skeet plotting.
    When they walked back toward me they both had that look that men sometimes get. You know the one, the I-have-made-a-decision-and-you-are-going-to-abide-by-it look. That look always makes me want to do the opposite of what they are suggesting.
    Jack stopped in front of me. Skeet stood a few feet away, arms crossed with a slight smile on his face. I glared at him. Jack stood in front of me with his reasonable smile and his ‘we are all friends’ body language.
    “Char, I think you should stay at a hotel tonight. I’ll drive you over there and make sure it’s secure.”
    Despite the fact I was thinking exactly that, since Jack suggested it I became stubborn.
    “I’m not going to a hotel, Jack. Kitty has been too traumatized for me to take her somewhere else.” There, that was perfectly logical. Never mind the fact that since the officers left Kitty had come out and was now walking around purring, acting strangely fascinated with Skeet. She kept trying to get his attention. Since she pretty much hates everyone but me, her fascination with Skeet was worth noticing. He took it all in stride.
    “Your security system is not fully functioning. It might not be safe for you to stay here.”
    “I have my gun and Max. I’ll be fine here.”
    Skeet made another chuckle/snort sound. I took a second to send him a dirty look.
    “Char, it really would be best if you went to a hotel.”
    “I’m not leaving.” I crossed my arms and gave him my best resolved woman in charge expression.
    Jack and Skeet looked at each other and apparently communicated silently. Jack sighed and looked back at me.
    “Okay, I guess I’m taking the couch.”
    I argued and yelled, but I couldn’t change Jack’s mind. Truthfully, I was glad he was going to stay. But for pride’s sake I made a fuss. It helped to know that there was going to be someone else there.
    Jack went to get his go bag from his car. Skeet hung back.
    “You okay?” It was the most he had said to me all night.
    “I’m okay.” I smiled at him. “Nathaniel.”
    “Call me Skeet.” He grinned.
    I walked him out to his car while Jack talked to someone on his phone. It sounded official. Skeet opened the door, then turned back to me presumably to say goodbye. I hugged him. I don’t think he expected it because he didn’t hug me back at first. He smelled clean, like soap. We stepped back from each other and there was awkward silence. “I expect to see you at the gym tomorrow. Moshe is going to want to see you.”
    “I’ll be there.”
    I turned back toward my house to see Jack standing in the doorway. I was still a little angry with him, or acting a little angry with him anyway, and I gave him a glare as I walked toward the door.
    “Gee, Char. Don’t I get a hug?”
    I didn’t dignify that with a response.
    He just laughed.
    As a little payback for his highhandedness I failed to mention that Tammy was planning to come in the morning for breakfast. I had to smile to myself as I went up to bed with Max and Kitty. Jack was in for a rough wake up call.
    The minute I got upstairs my act fell away. I wanted to be tough and strong, but my sanctuary had been violated. I leaned my head against my shut bedroom door and felt the trembling begin. Max whined behind me.
    My knees turned to water. I pulled Max to me with one arm and held tight to Kitty with the other. For a few minutes I just let myself go all the pain, fear, and anger came out in hot tears muffled against their fur.
    The rough scrape of Kitty’s tongue and the hot pant of Max’s breath calmed me. I pushed to my feet and got ready for bed with Max kept tight by my side.
    Before I could crawl into bed there was one thing I needed to do, one thing that was bugging me. I opened my laptop and pulled up a search engine. I typed in ‘meaning of pink carnation.’ Several responses filled the browser window. I clicked on the first one. An icy foreboding slid over me like unseen watching eyes.

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