Hello Treasure
    Kayla's house was a sea of chaos cloaked in pink and glitter. She rarely visited her friend at her home. Usually they went out for drinks. Celia understood why, the noise level and constant activity of four girls under ten years old was a painful assault on her ears. If she had to face it every day, she would need to drink too.
    Sitting at the breakfast bar, Celia examined the tile floors noting the massive amounts of glitter ground into the grout.
    Maybe Kayla doesn't know how to clean up glitter , she realized with a sigh.
    A squeal pierced through the craziness followed by Kayla bursting into the room. She carried a red package about the size of a shoe box over her head like a trophy. Three of her children scampered and jumped around her, all eyes on the box.
    She set it in front of Celia as a moment of hushed silence fell on the room and all eyes focused on the box.
    Celia stared at it with its fancy lace bow and flowers decorating the top. A sniff and stroke with her fingertips told her the flowers were real. The only marking was her name, 'Celia Huxley', in beautiful, hand-written calligraphy. After seeing computerized versions so many times, Celia appreciated the artistry behind the letters. The work was intricate and stunning. In a world where children didn't even learn cursive writing anymore, seeing calligraphy was special and reminded Celia of a time when she was a teenager and took a calligraphy course. Her work had never been this beautiful, though.
    "Who would do this?" Celia asked.
    "I have no idea, but it beats the wine and appies I was going to surprise you with tomorrow. Come on, open it." Kayla, with her bright blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail looked much younger than her years as she bounced up and down. Fidgeting excitedly with her mini-me blonde girls.
    Celia slipped a finger under the wrapping and popped the tape off. Setting the paper carefully to the side so the flowers wouldn't get damaged, she turned back as gasps erupted around her.
    Kayla's hand was over her mouth, her eyes as large as saucers stared, her other hand shook as it pointed. "Those are Pippy Berkley shoes," she said, her words ending with a squeak.
    Celia's breath caught in her chest, a thrill warming her face as she lifted the lid with trembling hands. Pippy Berkley was a shoe designer that made the most exquisite, handcrafted shoes. Shoes that were favored by all the rich and famous fashionistas.
    She peeled back the tissue paper revealing a black leather high heel shoe. Celia gasped, her heart hammering in her chest as she admired the most beautiful shoes she had ever seen. Cradling one in her hand like a delicate flower, she stroked the butter soft leather. With a trembling fingertip she traced the Celtic knot detailing etched onto the edge of the platform sole, then gently caressed a line of blue gemstones lining the heel that looked suspiciously like sapphires.
    Sapphires had always been her favorite gemstone.
    "Those are the prettiest princess shoes I ever saw!" One of the girls announced in a squeaky voice.
    "I agree. These must have cost a fortune. Who would buy these for me?" Celia asked as she set the shoe down in the box so it wouldn't get any glitter on it. Lifting the second shoe she set them side by side revealing a note on red paper tucked down the side.
    Opening the note, she read it to herself first.
    "Well come on. Read it out. This is so exciting!" Kayla said, her arms around two of her girls as they leaned in with flushed faces.
    Hello Treasure,
    Another clue, another step.
    It's been a lifetime since we met.
    Friends come and friends go,
    but true friends will always show.
    Dreams were shared,
    some fears bared.
    Now the time has come,
    for some riddle & rum.
    "Riddle & Rum? That's the boutique store over on Clinton Street. Very posh and high-end. You better hurry, I bet they close at six and it's almost five now. Oh, I wanna come! I wish Scott was home so he could stay with the girls." Kayla

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