Tularosa: A Kevin Kerney Novel (Kevin Kerney Novels)

Free Tularosa: A Kevin Kerney Novel (Kevin Kerney Novels) by Michael McGarrity Page B

Book: Tularosa: A Kevin Kerney Novel (Kevin Kerney Novels) by Michael McGarrity Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael McGarrity
Tags: Fiction, General, thriller, Mystery & Detective
wore jeans, a red short-sleeved turtleneck top, and sandals, and sat with one leg tucked under the other.
    "I wanted to have something to say first," Kerney countered.
    "Fair enough. What have you got?" Kerney started talking, and Sara listened for anything that would contradict the reports she'd received from the surveillance teams. He gave it to her straight, including his curiosity about Bull McVay and the surprising fact, unknown to Sara before Kerney's arrival, that Sergeant Steiner had let Sammy do pencil sketches on his free time without getting proper authorization. She paid even closer attention when Kerney briefed her on his conversation with Dewey Boursard-that was fresh information that had yet to come to her from the team.
    He concluded with a smile and added: "I'm sure none of this is news to you. Your people have been with me every step of the way."
    "What tipped you?"
    "The cars. Same make and model. Plus your men are sloppy on the shift changeovers. They like to chit-chat with each other before they make the switch," He got up, stepped around the coffee table, and bent over the map.
    "Show me where you searched for Sammy." She joined him, sat on the floor, and gave him a rundown, watching for a reaction as she traced her finger past the 7-Bar-K Ranch location. There was none.
    "Were there any visitors up range at the time of his disappearance?" he inquired when she stopped.
    "Nobody who wasn't authorized and cleared."
    "Any ideas where he went to do his sketching?"
    "None at all."
    "What did the Jaeger autopsy reveal?" Kerney asked, moving the map aside.
    "Jaeger's blood alcohol level was twice the legal limit," Sara replied.
    "He had a clean record-no disciplinary action, no history of substance abuse, and no DWI arrests."
    "And the Camaro?"
    "Clean as a whistle. The only mechanical damage was caused during the accident."
    "So much for statistical probabilities."
    The phone rang, and Sara went to answer it. With her back to him, she listened without comment for several minutes, thanked the caller, hung up, and swiveled her head in his direction.
    "We've found your man," she said.
    "The Mustang is owned by Specialist Fifth Class Weldon Robinson. He supervises the post auto shop." Kerney smiled broadly.
    "Your people work fast." Sara wrinkled her nose at him.
    "Come on," she said, getting to her feet. "Let's go talk to Robinson."
    The Post Auto Shop, in an old Quonset hut near the motor pool, served as a do-it-yourself center for shade-tree mechanics. The building was locked, but the inside lights were on, and through a window Kerney saw a Mustang parked over a service bay. He pounded on the door while Sara huddled for cover from the strong gusts of wind that made the outside light above the door flap precariously.
    Kerney kept pounding until a surly-looking black man climbed out of the service bay, came to the window, and pointed at a closed sign. Robinson's name was stitched over the right pocket of his fatigue shirt.
    Kerney put his badge against the glass and pointed at the door. The surly look cleared, and Robinson nodded in agreement. He let them in and slammed the door shut fast to keep out the storm.
    "Sorry about that," Robinson said, "but if I don't stick to my schedule, I'd have guys in here twenty four hours a day."
    "That's okay," Kerney replied.
    Robinson gave Sara a cautious look.
    "Captain," he said politely, "is there a problem?"
    "Relax, Specialist," Sara said easily. "We're here to talk about Sammy Yazzi. Do you know him?" Robinson pulled at the tail of his greasy fatigue shirt.
    "I sure do," he answered.
    "Me and him had an agreement. I was gonna buy his old Chevy. The fuel pump is busted and the carburetor needs to be rebuilt. I was gonna give him the money on payday, but then he went A.W.O.L.. It's still parked up by the barracks."
    "Did you take anything out of the car?" Kerney asked. Robinson nodded.
    "Right before Sammy split he said I could start working on it anytime and gave me the

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