Bad Boys In Kilts

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Book: Bad Boys In Kilts by Donna Kauffman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Kauffman
the clan and the village, building a life in the city, in Edinburgh with his city-bred wife. Her sudden death had deeply affected the whole family, but none so much as Dylan himself, who finally returned to Glenbuie a changed man. While one of those changes had been his recommitment to the family concerns, no one was really certain if it was such a positive change in the long run given the other, less favorable changes grief had wrought in him.
    As much as she wanted to keep Brodie talking about anything that would keep her mind off throwing herself on that bed and just flat-out showing him what had “gotten into her,” talking about Dylan was not the best way to go. He turned his back to her as he went to get a box off the small café table tucked alongside the wall next to the counter and sink.
    With his gaze away from hers, she took full advantage of the opportunity to look at him with all the unabashed desire that had been building up for what felt like eons now. Maybe if she just mentally played the fantasy all the way through, she could get this constant ache for him to finally dissipate. At least a little. She’d just gotten done imagining pulling his t-shirt over his head and unbuttoning his jeans, backwalking him to his feather-down bed before bracing her palms on the broad expanse of his chest and pushing—hard—when he turned back to face her, a small, carved box in his hands.
    “Come here,” he said, eyes dancing with delight. “Look at this.”
    For a short second, she was still in the fantasy ... and his eyes were dancing because of her. Of what he wanted to do with her, to her, in that soft, wonderfully decadent pile of featherdown and white linen. And, her body achy and tight, she moved across the room toward him, her gaze locked on his.
    Wondering what he’d do if she told him exactly what she was thinking that very instant ... Or better yet, what if she just showed him ...

Chapter 6
    “ I had no business paying anything close to what I spent,” Brodie told her, “but I couldn’t help it. The provenance on them was fascinating ... and I knew you’d be the one to understand why I had to have them. Actually, truth be told, you’re the reason I had to have them.”
    Kat stopped right in front of him, but her attention wasn’t on the carved box, it was on him. She was looking at him like ... well, if he wasn’t mistaken, and when it came to women and this particular thing, he rarely was ... it looked like she wanted to eat him alive. In the way every man with a pulse wanted to be devoured.
    Since the moment last night when Daisy had uttered her not-so-veiled hint about the reason behind Kat’s unusual behavior of late, he’d thought of little else. She hadn’t been all that subtle, but Daisy was new and didn’t know anybody in town all that well. He had to believe she’d been seeing things that weren’t really there. Except he wasn’t entirely sure he wanted her to be wrong. And then his little voice had played devil’s advocate, saying that maybe it took an outsider, with no preconceived ideas, to see so clearly what he’d missed all along.
    That Kat Henderson wanted him. All of him.
    Looking into her eyes now, he felt his body stir. Much as it had last night, lying right there in the bed behind her, as he’d thought back over everything that had happened yesterday, everything she’d said ... and realized that when interpreted through Daisy’s assumption, it all made far too much sense. In a Kat Henderson way, anyway. But because he did know Kat better than anyone, he realized exactly what she’d been getting at. She’d thought he wanted Daisy ... and for whatever reason, that had sparked her to put her thoughts and feelings for him on the line.
    His hands tightened on the carved box. He’d told himself he was up at dawn this morning for the first time in ... well, ever, and off to see Kat because he was anxious to show her his new treasure, one he’d planned to show her last

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