Cold Kill

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Book: Cold Kill by Neil White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Neil White
that,’ Jack said, and he gestured around him. ‘These people aren’t millionaires, but they’ve got you two looking after them. The police come free. Why you?’
    ‘We’re here all the time,’ the tall one said again. ‘The police only ever come round with search warrants or to arrest people. You never see them just looking after people.’
    ‘Very noble of you,’ Jack said. ‘Who is DR ?’
    The two men exchanged glances again, until the taller one said, ‘Look it up, if you’re that interested.’
    Jack nodded. ‘I think I am. Thank you.’
    ‘Where are you going now?’
    ‘Like I said, I’m just doing my thing,’ Jack said. ‘If you want to follow me, well, that’s your choice. That’s what they pay you for, I suppose.’
    ‘You can’t go knocking on doors,’ the smaller one said.
    ‘If I pull out an axe, you can earn your money, but until then I’ll make my own choices.’ Jack flashed them a grin. ‘You can be in the story if you like.’
    The small one scowled and clenched his fists, but the big one just put a hand on his elbow, to keep him in check.
    ‘If we get any complaints, we’ll see you again.’
    ‘Understand one thing,’ Jack said, stepping closer, stopping only when he could smell the staleness of their breath. ‘You have no power to do anything. You can’t speak to me, you can’t escort me anywhere, and you cannot stop me doing my job.’
    Jack turned away and carried on walking. He expected to hear footsteps coming after him, but he didn’t, and eventually he heard their van start up and head off.
    Jack was starting to think that the estate could be a dangerous place.

    Laura and Joe were on their way to the home of the first victim when Laura glanced at her watch and realised how late it was getting.
    ‘Bobby?’ Joe asked.
    ‘He’s gone to a friend’s house, so he’ll be all right for now.’
    ‘But you’re still worried about him,’ Joe said.
    Laura gave a weary smile. ‘I’m his mother. I’m supposed to be there for him.’
    ‘What about Jack? Can’t he do more?’
    ‘He does a lot, but I don’t want Bobby to become a chore.’
    ‘Don’t worry, you’ll get home to him,’ Joe said, and then he smiled. ‘Maybe not today, though.’
    ‘And what about you, and the rest of the team?’ she said. ‘What about your home lives?’
    Joe raised his eyebrows but didn’t answer straight away. Instead, he kept his eyes on the road before eventually saying, ‘My home life is best kept there, at home.’
    Laura took the hint and didn’t probe any further.
    ‘We’ll probably go for a drink later on,’ he said, and looked over at Laura. ‘You could always join us.’
    Laura pulled a face. ‘I was never any good at the team bonding thing,’ she said.
    ‘Too macho?’
    ‘Well, maybe, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t care about the team.’
    ‘That’s not how I meant it.’
    ‘It’s how it feels though,’ Laura said. ‘I wouldn’t have thought it would be your scene either.’
    ‘Why’s that?’
    ‘It sounds all a bit too Sweeney for you,’ she said.
    He laughed. ‘We all need to unwind sometimes, and like it or not, those are my friends. And yours.’
    ‘It was an observation, not a criticism,’ Laura said, and then turned to look out of the window. She watched as the main road out of Blackley turned into a stream of warehouses and car showrooms. A large supermarket dominated one side, and then soon after Joe swung his car into a street of tall Victorian houses, with large sash windows and dark millstone fronts. They wound their way around curving streets, along tree-lined avenues, the kerbsides dominated by new cars, all large and polished.
    They stopped outside the Corley house, and as they got out, Laura smoothed down her suit jacket and reminded herself of the purpose of the visit. Take it easy. Play it like a sympathy visit. Don’t let on that Mike Corley had been spotted at the murder scene and see if he volunteers it.
    They walked

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