Sexy Forever: How to Fight Fat After Forty
them less toxic.
    Fruits and Vegetables Highest in Pesticides
Bell peppers
    Fruits and Vegetables Lowest in Pesticides
Sweet peas
Sweet corn
    Even though these are all yummy and nutritious foods and are the
contaminated, be sure to wash them well, as they are not free of toxins. To reduce toxic exposure before eating nonorganic pears, nectarines, and potatoes, soak them in a bowl of vinegar (approximately 4 tablespoons) and enough water to cover, then peel them before eating.
    Soak vegetables like bell peppers and celery in a bowl of water with the juice of a fresh lemon for twenty minutes, then scrub with a vegetable brush. Soak cherries in this lemon water for sixty minutes.
    There are two nonorganic fruits you really should never eat: apples and grapes. A toxic pesticide called cryolite goes through the skin of these fruits and permeates them entirely. But the organic versions of grapes and apples are loaded with incredible nutrients and enzymes, so if you can swing it, go organic here.
    Unfortunately, poison-sprayed food that has not been thoroughly washed is so toxic that the chemicals outweigh the good the food coulddo in its natural state. As you know, without sufficient nutrients the brain keeps signaling the body to want more and more food. These cravings are usually for sugar or carbohydrates, since these are the quickest sources of energy. Don’t be hard on yourself. It’s not about your will at this point; there are physical needs for these foods, as harmful as they may be. But over time these cravings will go away.
    We already talked about this at the beginning of the chapter, so I won’t go into detail here. Just go green for all household products. The commercial cleaners and chemicals you have been using liberally all these years make your home toxic and may be linked to many conditions including autoimmune diseases and allergies. Green and natural household cleaners are now available everywhere, both in stores and online. This simple change is another valuable step in detoxifying your body.
    Then switch to chemical-free cosmetics. Everything you put on your skin goes into your bloodstream. What is the sense of eating organic food and getting rid of household chemicals, and then loading up on chemicals on your skin?
    These simple changes I’ve described above will help. You’ll feel energized, your appetite will diminish, bloating will subside, and your weight will start to drop. I’ve got some more in my bag of tricks, if you’re willing to go a little deeper. Stay with me!
Get the Patch
    I am ambassador for a company called LifeWave, which has developed amazing nanotechnology patches that help your body produce glutathione, a key component in your body’s natural detoxification mechanism. Glutathione is an antioxidant that protects our cells from damage by free radicals and holds off the ravages of aging (including weight gain). We stop making glutathione around age forty, which is why our bodies become less resistant to disease and less able to fight off the toxins we all encounter in our everyday lives. By wearing one of these patches daily, you clean out toxins from your cells. At night I wear a patch to help my body produce carnosine, an antioxidant that repairs cell damage from free radicals.
    These patches are a simple way to fight the chemical onslaught. Wearing the glutathione patch can help greatly in detoxing your body. It’s very simple—you wear the patch three fingers below your navel and change it every day. Along with good nutrition and eliminating outside chemicals as best you can, you will be well on your way to good health and a thin body. (See Resources for more information.)
Consider Colonics
    Colonic irrigation is one of the least

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