No More Wasted Time

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Book: No More Wasted Time by Beverly Preston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beverly Preston
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary, Extratorrents, Kat, C429
Actually, I’m great. I’m sorry for waking you up, go back to
    “Mom, we love you. Please be careful, he’s supposed to be a
total lady’s man.”
    “I can see why they say that.” Tess smirked at Tom. “Call
your brother for me. I won’t be able to call him again. Love you, be safe.”
Closing the phone, she huffed out a big anxiety-filled breath of air.
    “I’m sure they think I’ve lost my mind.” Tess laughed
nervously. “What did she say to you?”
    “She seems a lot like you,” he chuckled sarcastically.
“Practically de-ja-vous of our first meeting on the dock.”
    She groaned. “Oh great! What did she say?”
    “She said her mom had been through a rough year and was just
starting to heal and I better not hurt you. Apparently, they’re under the
impression I’m a real “womanizer”. I’m quite sure that’s the term she used, but
she said it in a nice voice.” He stared into her eyes, running his finger under
her chin. “Am I hurting you, Tess?”
    “Yes, you’re torturing me slowly,” she teased, but realized
he really was concerned.
    “I’m serious. I don’t want to cause you any pain. I care
about you.”
    “Look Tom, I knew this was a vacation for both of us. I
won’t pretend that the last week hasn’t been much more than I ever imagined it
could be, but I knew where I stood when I agreed to stay with you. I’m not
going to say goodbye now. It’s still going to hurt just as much in another
    His brows wrinkled apprehensively.
    She rested her hands on his firm shoulders and confessed,
“I’ve learned the hard way that every day is a gift. I refuse to waste one more
moment of my life. I won’t do it.”
    He frowned. “Tess, I don’t-”
    “Tom, you agreed with me when I asked if you believe
everything happens for a reason.”
    “I do believe that, but this is different.”
    “No, it’s not different. We were supposed to meet. For what
reason I don’t know. It wasn’t by chance you came here with someone who was
unimportant to you, or that you taking my tour led me to a perfect place to say
goodbye to Richard and brought me to you. What about the manta rays? They
miraculously found me after all these years of trying. I believe those things
are meant to be. I’m not naïve. I realize that you don’t have long-term
relationships. I’m okay with it. Life is too damn short. I don’t care where we
go or what we do. I only want to enjoy my time with you, even if it’s only one
more week.”
    “I’m having a great time with you.” He folded her
into his arms and caressed her back, almost as if he was trying to tell her
something that he couldn’t put into words.
    She attempted to control her emotions, but she’d been
tucking these thoughts deep inside since their first night together. She
paused, gathering courage to lower the wall that protected her heart. “If I’m
being totally honest, and I can’t believe I’m going to admit this to myself out
loud, you’re the best time I’ve ever had here. I’ve had some incredible times
in Bora Bora, but the last week has been truly fantastic.”
    Tom’s eyes smiled. His lips found hers as his fingers
tenderly cupped her face. “I don’t know what to say. I’m so flattered, but I
don’t want our time together to take the place of your trips here with your
husband. I only want to make you happy while we’re together.”
    “That’s not exactly what I meant. Nothing can replace my
memories here with Richard. I know you’d never intentionally do that, but this
is supposed to happen to me. Right now. At this exact moment in my life.” One
tear trickled down her cheek.
    “Please don’t be sad, Tess. I don’t think I could take it.”
He gently wiped away her tear.
    “I’m not sad. You make me happy. I haven’t allowed myself to
feel anything in such a long time. I just want to live in the moment, Tom.”
    As the night lingered, he seemed unusually quiet. She
couldn’t even begin to guess what

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