and, gradually, these people would become immune to Cipro and it would NOT be effective when is needed! You have probably heard the continuing debate over prescribing antibiotics in general for this very reason. Some authorities favor no antibiotics except for use in severe illnesses while others have more faith in people’s judgment and favor giving each person a few day’s supply of Cipro should an anthrax attack occur. Then the post office or police/fire/etc. could provide more Cipro without putting people in danger. Imagine what would happen if you knew a postal worker was coming SOMETIME (but when?). The author’s common sense of human nature is that postal trucks would be mobbed by thousands of people WITH guns to get their Cipro NOW! It wouldn’t even be safe for the police to distribute Cipro. Two police officers could not hold off a stampeding mob of thousands who know the police car contains boxes of Cipro. Just a suggestion but TRUST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! Currently some Cipro is kept on hand in every major city then large supplies are “strategically” located around the country to be moved to the problem area or areas on a moment’s notice. But keep in mind we’re dealing with hours; not days or weeks. Let’s hope our government decides to trust us all. So far they have not. The author does not encourage having unused prescription medication or obtaining medication under false pretenses! Cipro is also the drug of choice for other illnesses, most specifically diverticulitis (infection of the colon). There are other antibiotics besides Cipro such as doxycycline, penicillin and amoxicillin that neutralize anthrax; just not as well. Also, Cipro given to children whose adult teeth have not come in yet MAY cause their adult teeth to come in discolored to varying extents. In the case of children amoxicillin is the drug of choice for anthrax. This is NOT a detailed medical book so I encourage you to read on your own or consult your family doctor for a professional opinion.
As this book was being written the president signed into law a Cipro distribution system that is based on the post office. No words can express my dismay at the lack of factoring in human nature. I doubt 10% of the Cipro will even reach post offices. Thousands of armed panicked people will surround every post office watching for the trucks. They’ll quickly abort the use of trucks and just throw Cipro from helicopters to the mobs below. Those who stayed at home as ordered will just quietly die. Their only hope is if they went to their basement immediately, own and use N95 rated breathing masks (better yet – gas masks) and cover up all skin. Wrap yourself in foil! This is true for radiation as well where the post office is supposedly going to deliver Potassium Iodide (see nuclear chapters). You can at least buy Potassium Iodide right now (no prescription required). Everyone should own five bottles. Read the chapters covering radiation.
The author suffers from diverticulitis (as you age it becomes quite common to where by age 80 well over half the population has the illness). Depending on your diet you may never notice you have it. It is “pockets” in the colon wall where hard objects such as nuts or popcorn can lodge and then cause an infection over time. If your colon area has ever hurt for an extended period of time and especially if you ran a fever with the infection then you have the VERY common illness. Just watch your diet (no hard objects such as nuts) and, hopefully, after the first attack your doctor will give you an extra prescription for the next time you forget and eat popcorn at a party. You don’t have Cipro but with doxycycline you have the next best thing. You’re prepared for an attack of diverticulitis or a spraying of anthrax.
Also, as I say, there are masks that are very inexpensive and filter out 95%+ of particles the size of anthrax. A painter’s mask has breathing holes that are too large. Buy masks
Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy