comes from me.”
The whistles and claps were deafening as all brothers pledged their support to their president and to their club.
“We got the Saturday rally at Cooper’s Peak, then Hawk, Jax, Chas, Axe, Throttle, Rock, Razor, Bruiser, Jerry, Pug, and Ruben will head to Kilson the following Tuesday. Hawk’s in charge and he’ll report to me. Any questions?”
The members shook their heads.
“Church’s over. Let’s get some shots and brew,” Banger said with a laugh.
The members dispersed and went to the bar where the prospects had beer bottles on the counter and shots ready to go for the brothers. One of the prospects’ jobs was to know each member’s drinks. The prospects had to do anything the members asked them to do, and with thirty members and only three prospects on board, they were hopping at all hours of the day and night. It was demanding, exhausting, and many times, unpleasant, but it was a job every single one of the patched members did before they wore their colors.
Joining the members in the great room were the club whores, the mamas, and several hoodrats. Classic rock tunes blasted from speakers around the room.
As Jax, Jerry, and Chas leaned against the bar drinking and talking bikes, three hoodrats approached them. Shyla, blonde and busty, put her arm around Jax, while her friend Gina, a brunette, cozied up to Jerry, and Lisa stood near Chas.
“Hey, you’re cute,” Shyla said, as she traced Jax’s rough jawline with her purple-tipped finger.
Jax gently pushed her away, looked her up and down then shook his head. “Sorry, not in circulation anymore. I got an old lady.”
“Why is that a problem?” Shyla asked, placing a quick kiss on his jaw.
“Stop that shit. I have a woman who trusts me, and I gotta respect that.” He pushed Shyla into Jerry, who was already in a deep, full-tongue kiss with Gina, his hands cupping the exposed curves of her ass. Shyla turned to Jerry and kissed his neck while she squeezed his stiffening cock.
Chas jumped on the bar stool, beer in hand, and surveyed the room. There were so many men groping sluts and so many sluts fondling men. For the first time since his divorce, he didn’t want meaningless fucking, though; he wanted to hold and talk with a woman.
Lisa moved over to Chas’s legs and inserted herself between them, as she pressed into him, giving him a kiss on his neck. Jax laughed.
Chas pushed her away. “Not now. Maybe later.”
Surprise spread over her face as she jutted her lower lip out.
Chas shrugged. Lisa turned her attention to Jerry, raking her nails over his chest while she nibbled his shoulder. Jerry cupped her tits and massaged them as she moaned into his ear.
Jax gazed at Chas. “Why aren’t you getting in on this?” He pointed to the three women wrapped around Jerry.
Staring ahead, Chas said, “Not interested.”
“Fuck, dude, I’ve known you too long. Something’s up. What is it?” Jax eyed Chas’s impassioned face then screwed his own into a wide grin as he nodded. “Your dick’s aiming for a special pussy. That’s it, isn’t it? Fuck, I knew you had some bitch you’re hot for. Who is she?”
Crabby, Chas growled, “No one. I’ve got a lot on my mind, that’s all.”
“Yeah, like some special bitch’s pussy. You know I’m gonna find out, brother, so just ’fess up. Who is she and what the fuck does she look like that would make you turn down three hot pieces of ass?”
“Leave it alone, it’s no one.”
Before Jax could reply, Axe came over, his pants tented, and a busty redhead hanging onto his muscular arm. “You in on this?” He pointed to Jerry, who still had the three hoodrats all over him.
Lifting his beer bottle to his lips, Chas shook his head.
Wedging in between Chas and Jerry, Axe shouted, “Hey, brother, let’s go to my room and have some real fun with these sluts. I got one with me who is bursting at the seams.”
Jerry shoved off the women and looked at Chas. “Last chance.