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Book: Toxic by Alice Lingard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alice Lingard
something like that.”
    “Because he's a first class fuck-up.”
    “There has to be a better reason than that.”
    “He owes a lot of people a lot of money. I think he saw this as an easy way to raise the cash to pay off some of his debts.”
    “How come he owes money? I thought you said he gets a generous allowance.”
    “He does. Almost half a million a year.”
    “Christ! How can he be in debt?”
    “Gambling. He's lost a small fortune. Money he doesn't have.”
    “What's going to happen?”
    “If they find him, they'll probably kill him to send out a message to anyone else who might think about screwing them around.”
    “What about Suzy?”
    “If she's with him, I don't know. Maybe they'll let her go.”
    “Or maybe she'll be collateral damage.”
    “Oh shit.” Lacey put her head in her hands.
    “Don't worry. I'm going to sort things out. Everything will be okay.”
    “First, we have to find Todd and Suzy before anyone else does.”
    The lift doors opened. Carol and the guy who had accompanied her to the dinner dance stepped into the penthouse.
    “Raw.” Carol glanced quickly at Lacey, and then back at her brother. “We need to do this in private.”
    “Lacey stays. I've told her everything.”
    Carol nodded. “Okay. Sorry, Lacey.”
    “No problem. I'll help anyway I can.”
    “Thanks. Well, I suppose this is probably a good time to introduce you both to Jason.”
    “Jason.” Raw stepped forward and offered his hand.
    “Pleased to meet you,” Jason said, as they shook hands. His face was deadpan.
    They made an unlikely pair. Carol was all sophistication while Jason, although smartly dressed, looked like the kind of guy you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley. He was handsome not pretty. His stubble was anything but designer. His short-cropped hair gave him an ex-military look. Or maybe ex-con.
    “Carol. Can I have a quick word in private?” Raw said.
    He didn't wait for an answer. Instead he began to walk towards the master bedroom. Carol hesitated for only a moment before following him.
    Lacey smiled at Jason. He may or may not have smiled back—she couldn't be sure.
    “Have you known Carol long?” Lacey broke the silence.
    “Did you enjoy the dinner dance?”
    Boy, this was going to be hard work. Lacey racked her brain for something to ask which would require more than a yes or no answer.
    “None of your damn business!” Carol's voice carried from the bedroom—the door was still ajar.
    “... know we can trust him?” Raw was shouting now.
    Lacey glanced back at Jason. Either he hadn't heard the raised voices or he was a robot. She was beginning to suspect the latter.
    Ten minutes later, Carol emerged from the bedroom followed by Raw. Lacey could see the anger in his face.
    “Okay. Let's get to work.” Raw walked over to the boardroom table. Carol, Lacey and Jason joined him.

Chapter 13
    “Carol tells me you have a plan, Jason” Raw said.
    Jason glanced at Carol who gestured that he should continue.
     “We have two distinct issues.” Jason began. “The gambling debts and the drugs. I'll begin with the gambling debt because that's the easier of the two. There are three parties involved. Todd owes a total of five hundred thousand pounds to Casino Red, and two hundred thousand to Masters Casino. Neither of these is a problem assuming you can find the funds to pay them off.”
    “That won't be a problem,” Raw said.
    The third debt is more problematic. Todd owes just under a million pounds to Andrew Gordon.”
    “Who?” Raw said.
    “Let him finish,” Carol snapped.
    “The Gordon brothers are bad news. Seriously bad news. When they lend money they expect to get it back. They aren't your average loan shark. The Gordons only deal in amounts over five hundred grand, and they only deal with gamblers. They generally provide stop-gap cash for the rich who are having cash-flow problems. Every day that

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