Enticing Miss Eugenie Villaret

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Book: Enticing Miss Eugenie Villaret by Ella Quinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Quinn
devil did the waiter manage to look so cool in this weather? Will’s collar points were already wilting in the heat.
    “My name is Connors. I’ll have a waiter to you immediately.” He surveyed the room and smiled. “I’ll put you where you’ll get a nice breeze. Our heat takes a bit of getting used to.”
    Will nodded gratefully. “Thank you, it does at that.”
    Not long after he’d ordered, a man who matched Howden’s description joined Shipley. Although both Will’s table and Shipley’s were next to the windows overlooking the harbor, the two men kept their voices low, and Will was too far away to hear what was being said. Though Shipley appeared to be ringing a peel over Howden’s head. Finally he stood and bowed, saying in a clear voice, “I’m going as fast as I can, sir. This type of thing takes time.”
    “I plan to visit the widow soon. Be sure I receive the answer I expect.”
    “I’ll take care all is ready,” Howden assured Shipley.
    Will clenched his jaw until it ached. It was all he could do not to jump up and strangle the Wivenly Import’s manager as he hustled out the door. Damn the man. Wasn’t it hard enough on the family that their husband and father had died, without the added burden of poverty threatening them as well? Not to mention trying to marry off his great-uncle’s step-daughter. Though not English, her family’s lineage was excellent. Before Will left England, his mother was already talking about bringing her over for a Season. That’s where he’d heard of her before. Had some deuced French double name; de Joyaux, or something like that. No matter. He’d discover it soon enough.
    So much for going about incognito. It was time for him to reveal himself to Howden. No mere Mr. Munford would have the influence Viscount Wivenly did. At least he’d enjoy his luncheon and see a bit of the town as he searched again for Mrs. Villaret before heading back to the hotel and coordinating with Andrew.
    Two hours later, Will had strolled up and down the main street three times. Much to his irritation, some of the shopkeepers had started to take notice and watched him carefully. A few people on the street asked if he needed directions. He almost told them who he was looking for, but that would raise too much interest concerning himself and his business and he’d already made them curious enough. Damn. He was at a standstill until Andrew tracked down the blonde, which Will was certain his friend would do.
    Finally he gave up. As soon as he finished with Howden, he’d find Mrs. Villaret. It was almost four o’clock when he returned to the hotel and found Andrew in their parlor enjoying tea.
    Will touched the pot and found it mercifully cool. Taking a seat, he poured a cup and drank it down. “What did you discover about Shipley?”
    “I’m not sure he’s what he appears to be. His family is from England, but he claims to be an American. He has significant dealings with the French. One nobleman in particular.”
    Will’s Aunt Wivenly had been a Frenchwoman before marrying his uncle. She had no family to speak of, but her late first husband did. If only Will could remember who they were. “Name?”
    Andrew pulled a face. “No one knew. He was referred to only as Monsieur le Vicomte.”
    “There are too many actors involved in this. I, for one, want it over. Let’s go see Howden. At least we know where he is, and maybe we can get him to tell us the whole story.” Will pushed himself away from the table and started for the door. “I forgot to tell you, Shipley’s decided to make his offer of marriage in a few days.”
    Before Will could leave the room, Andrew held out a cream-colored card edged in dark blue.
    “What’s that?”
    His friend’s brow rose. “You haven’t been gone from Polite Society that long. It’s exactly what it looks like, an invitation. The Honorable Mr. Peregrine Whitecliff and his wife are requesting the pleasure of our company at a small dinner party

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