Club Mephisto
fullness of his cock. The men grew rougher, more frenzied. The man practically crawled over Mephisto's back and Mephisto, for his part, fucked Molly right across the expansive bed.
    "Don't come," he grunted, pinching her nipple. "You. Girl. You don't come."
    She hated it but she nodded compliantly. A moment later, Mephisto shuddered, ramming her hard, and the man behind him groaned. They pulled away slowly, gasping, and Molly lay still, miserable and unsatisfied. She didn't watch as Mephisto embraced his lover and kissed him. She wanted to die.
    He ignored her the rest of the day, until she was going mad from boredom. She eavesdropped on their conversations, feeling hopelessly banal compared to Mephisto's friend, who she eventually divined was some kind of musical artist on a tour.
    Later, just before bed, they fucked her again, this time on the floor in a different arrangement. She was again on her back, her shoulder blades sliding across the floor as the blond man—Jamie—fucked her pussy, and Mephisto fucked him from behind. She found it traumatic, because she had taken a great dislike to Jamie, and she had a suspicion that the feeling was mutual. That suspicion was confirmed as they lay together afterward. Jamie looked at Mephisto, dead serious.
    "Didn't you tell me your slave was on orgasm restriction?"
    Molly stared at the blond man, confused at first, but then outraged when understanding dawned. Mephisto gazed at her, and she shook her head with all the insistence she could muster. No, no! I didn't! No!  
    "She's good at hiding it," Jamie went on, "but I felt it. I felt it on my cock."
    Liar. You're such a liar. Mephisto had to see through him, but damn, he was a really talented liar. Mephisto considered another moment.
    Ask me. Ask me, I'll tell you. I didn't. She kept shaking her head, but in her desperation to avoid punishment, she was sure her denial seemed exaggerated and over the top.
    Mephisto seemed to make a decision then, and it wasn't in her favor. "Let's take her out to the cross." She drew back, still shaking her head, as if she might finally get through to him. Jamie and Mephisto both pulled her up, carrying her resisting form out into the dungeon's play space. It was so unfair! So sickeningly unfair! If she'd known she'd be punished anyway, she would have gone ahead and had an orgasm. She dug her heels in when they got to the cross, turning to Mephisto, close to tears.
    "He's lying!" she finally burst out. "I don't know why, but he's ly —"
    His big fingers came over her face, squeezing her mouth shut. "And you're on speech restriction, bad girl. Who gave you permission to speak?"
    She started to cry in earnest, the unfairness of the situation pressing down on her already defeated shoulders. She knew it was never about fair or unfair where slavery was concerned. But it smarted to be called a bad girl when she'd been trying so hard to be good, and to not even have enjoyed the orgasm she was about to be punished for. She still fought as they cuffed her hands and feet to the x-shaped cross with her back exposed.
    "Get me the snake whip," Mephisto said when they were finished. Molly shook with bitter sobs, pressing her belly to the smooth wood in front of her. Unfair or not, you are his to use or abuse , her conscious whispered. You chose this.
    The first lash, a molten flick across her bottom, took her feet out from under her. She hung in her bonds, gasping for breath through tears. "Up," he ordered, delivering another one to the outside of her flank. She struggled, she fought, but she went nowhere. The lash kept falling, on the back of her thighs, her ass, her back and shoulders. Jamie was silent, but no doubt he was enjoying watching her take this punishment he'd caused. With that thought in mind, she tried to steel herself to dignified silence, but that only lasted a few minutes before she gave way to whimpers, and soon enough, screams. She never knew where he would strike her next—and each strike

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