Tempting Rowan (Trace + Olivia #3)
    “Well, then,” Trenton turned to face me, a challenge glimmering in his blue eyes, “I guess I’ll have to give you something to talk about then.”
    In a lightning fast move, he grabbed my face between his large hands and pressed his lips against mine. The kiss was demanding and forceful, but somehow still passionate. It was the kind of combination that left your world spinning. I found my traitorous body responding to the feel of his tongue against my lips. I felt insecure and unsure what to do. I hadn’t been with anyone since Trenton and that had been five years ago, so I was clearly out of practice. I found that my body seemed to know what to do though, despite my lack of knowledge. I grasped his sweatshirt between my fingers, curling the fabric into my fist. His tongue flicked against mine and a soft moan escaped me. My mind had gone completely blank and all I could do was feel. My lips followed his in a passionate dance.
    Cold water flicked against my face and I pulled away from Trent. We both wiped our faces and looked in the direction the water had come from. Jude sat there grinning, wiping his hands on a napkin. “Y’all looked like you needed a cold shower. Seeing as how we’re a little low on showers at the moment,” he looked around the restaurant, “I thought this would suffice,” he pointed to his glass of water.
    My cheeks flamed. I couldn’t believe I’d just let Trent kiss me like we were making a porno in the middle of a restaurant.
    I pushed Trent’s shoulders and he looked down at me. “What?”
    “Get out,” I pushed him harder.
    “I’m not leaving.” He refused to budge and he wasn’t a little guy, so I was making no headway with my efforts to dump him on the floor.
    “I need to go to the bathroom.”
    That got him to move. As soon as I was free, I ran to the bathrooms. I didn’t want either of them to see me upset.
    I turned the water on, lightly splashing my face. I counted to ten in my head—but it did nothing to calm me down. Trenton was the only person that had the ability to mess with my emotions. Normally, I was calm, cool, and collected. Trenton Wentworth turned me into some weepy, weak, little girl. I prided myself on being strong and not needing anyone. But being around Trent made me question what it would be like to have someone. Well, not someone . The only person I could ever see myself with was Trent. I knew it would be unfair to let myself be with him, even if it was only for a little while. Once upon a time he’d told me he loved me, and I knew I could never return that emotion. The only people I loved were Tristan and Ivy. I knew they’d never leave me, but Trent? He would, eventually. Like all other guys, he’d get bored and move onto another plaything. I couldn’t allow myself to get attached.
    Oh, who was I kidding? I was already attached. I’d belonged to Trenton since I was sixteen years old.
    The bathroom door creaked open and I looked up. In the mirror my eyes connected with Trent’s. My heart raced in my chest, thumping harshly against my ribcage. I didn’t want to, but I did care about him. Maybe it was some silly teenage crush still lingering, or maybe it was just Trent , but I knew if he kept hanging around I wouldn’t be able to ignore the temptation. He was dangerous for me, like a sweet intoxicating drug, and I was too dumb to tell him to leave—not that it would work anyway.
    I was sick and tired of fighting my primal desire to own him. I was done denying myself what I wanted, and oh how I wanted Trent. For so long, I’d put everyone else before me, and wasn’t it time I did something that I wanted?
    I licked my lips, my breath echoing against the tile walls. Neither of us said anything. We simply stared, chests heaving, waiting for the other to make the first move.
    I swallowed thickly and forced myself to turn around and face him.
    My eyes connected with his once more and butterflies took up residence in my stomach. I

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