Prime Imperative (The Prime Chronicles Book 3)

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Book: Prime Imperative (The Prime Chronicles Book 3) by Monette Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Monette Michaels
unworldly scientist mate sitting in a raunchy sex bar among the dregs of the galaxy and the women who catered to them threatened to fray his last bit of control on his batel rabia .
    Iolyn vocalized his displeasure at the images in his head. The agitated rumbling rattled the commendations on the walls of the boardroom.
    “ Ansu bhau . Can you just stop it, please?” Mel glared at Iolyn and the other males who’d once again chimed in. “Wulf, do something. And do it off my Command Deck.”
    “Huw, push your engines.” Wulf stood and dragged Iolyn from his seat and shoved him toward the doorway. “We need to get to Brianna as fast as we can.”
    “You got it, brother. Don’t start pounding on Iolyn until I get there.”
    As Iolyn left the room, he heard the women laughing and placing bets on who’d win the battle of the Caradocs.
    There was no doubt he would. The way he felt right now, he could take on every Prime male on the ship without breaking a sweat—and still have enough energy to take down Jotak M’tali, the two fake soldiers, and his beloved gemate ’s big brother, just because.

Chapter 6
    Jump Station Charybdis
    Bria walked through the decontamination chamber and into the docking tube which connected the Mason freighter to the supply docks of the jump station. The Mason freighter captain was right on her heels. She’d wanted to remain on board until Damon could come get her, but station rules stated that all living creatures on a docked ship must go through decontamination and then disembark while the ship was unloaded and then sanitized.
    Feeling as if she were a tremendous burden for the captain, she looked over her shoulder and said, “I’ll be fine now. Damon will come for me.”
    “Your brother said he’d have my balls for breakfast if I let you out of my sight.” The man’s lips twisted into a grimace. “I’ve seen what he’s done to men who’ve crossed him. I’ll stay with you until he gets here.”
    Bria was somewhat shocked to hear the fear in the captain’s voice. Yes, Damon had always been assertive and more alpha-dominant than her other brothers, but she’d never thought he was scary.
    But then, she hadn’t really seen all that much of Damon since he’d left home. And judging by their earlier conversation, maybe she never really knew him as well as she thought she had.
    She stepped out of the docking tube onto the docks and stopped as if she’d slammed into a wall.
    The noises hit her first, like the percussion from an explosion. The high-pitched whine from auto-loaders. The shouts from numerous males of all species. The rumbling of ship engines as they docked and departed. And underlying it all, the throbbing sound of the massive air compressors which provided life-sustaining oxygen to the busiest area of the jump station.
    The cacophony made her head pound and her stomach churn.
    Then the smells struck, adding to her nausea. A potpourri of exotic spices, male sweat, decaying produce, engine lubricants, and the sour tang of reprocessed air.
    While she might’ve forgotten the noise and smells from the one time she’d been here, the supply dock itself hadn’t changed visually at all. The metallic platform was various shades of black and gray and seemed to curve toward infinity in each direction. In reality, the platform completed a 360-degree circumvention of the lowest level of the circular jump station with dozens of docks. The ceilings were high and crisscrossed by numerous pipes for heat, air, and other mechanicals.
    The freighter captain ran into her still form. He caught her arm before she could fall into the path of an auto-loader pulling a pallet filled with large metal conduits.
    “You okay, missy?” The captain’s normally fluid Obam accent sounded harsh to her ears. Her hearing might never recover from the overwhelming racket.
    “Yes, fine.” Bria waved him off with her free hand. “Just forgot what it was like.”
    Bria was glad for the captain’s

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