Raven's Revenge (The Pleasure Pros #2)

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Book: Raven's Revenge (The Pleasure Pros #2) by MT Stone Read Free Book Online
Authors: MT Stone
Tags: The Pleasure Pros
earlier that evening had drawn fresh blood from an old scar.

    After refilling my
glass, I once again looked to the heavens above.   It occurred to me that maybe the reason
I wanted Raven to stay was because I wanted her to be trapped here with
me.   She was every bit as naïve as I
had been, and having her around made me feel better.   I thought back to the advice that I had
given her a few weeks earlier.   It’s time to focus on how I want things to
turn out, instead of on my worst fears.   I deserve to be happy for once.


    Just before
midnight, a black Mercedes pulled up outside of Amber’s apartment.   God
I love Uber !   I could hear the backbeat of Begging
For Thread by Banks emanating from the speakers before the driver even
opened the door.   Sure beats a taxi.

    “You okay with my
music?” the driver asked as he got out and opened the door for me.

    “Love it!” I
smiled and hopped in the back seat.   I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and instantly wished that I
hadn’t stripped off all the makeup.   The sexy short dress and high heels looked a bit out of place without

    “Heading home?” he
asked, presuming that I wouldn’t be going out looking that way.

Diamond Heights and Duncan please.”   I sat back and stared out the window wondering what Gunner was doing at
the moment.

    “Did you have a
good night?” the driver asked in search of conversation.

    “It was definitely
interesting,” I smiled in return.

    “Good interesting,
I hope.”

    “Yes, it was very
good.” The smile on my lips continued to grow.

    “I know that
smile,” he teased.   “It was so good
you needed a shower before heading home.”

    “Yeah, something
like that.”   I turned back toward
the window, not wanting to share too much with a complete stranger.  

    When the car came
to a stop on my corner, I tossed him a fifty and told him to keep the change.

    “Seriously?   It was only twenty-two.”

    “Just keep
it.”   I had a habit of being overly
generous whenever I had a nice wine buzz.

    I pulled out my
phone and sent Gunner a text letting him know that I had made it home without
incident.   After waiting ten minutes
or so for a response, I decided to give him a quick call.

    “Do you miss me?” Sapphire
answered, sending my brain reeling.

    “Where’s Gunner?”

    “I’m sorry, he’s
not able to come to the phone right now,” she replied coldly.

    “Where is
he?”   I insisted, feeling an
immediate sense of frustration as she sidestepping the question.

    Instead of an
answer this time, I was greeted with the silence of a line gone dead.   I looked down at my phone, the bitch hung up on me!

    Refusing to give
up so easily, I immediately redialed his number.   It clicked immediately over to voice
mail.   Fuck!   She must have turned
off his phone.   Nothing kills a nice wine buzz like calling
your boyfriend’s phone and talking to his ex.   There I go again, calling him my
boyfriend.   The fuzzy warm
feeling had been replaced by a sickening feeling that came from deep within
me.   Ugh, why do I let myself get hurt like this?   I slipped off my heels, slid out of my
dress and fell into bed.

    Part of me
couldn’t forget those last few moments with Gunner.   Feeling his fullness buried so deeply
inside of me was amazing.   It made my
toes curl just thinking about it.   Then the other side of my brain would kick in and hear Sapphire telling
me he couldn’t come to the phone.   There is no way he is doing anything with
her.   She pisses me off so bad.

    I tried his phone
one more time just for the hell of it.   Shit, it went right to voicemail
again.   I buried my face in my
pillow and could feel the rage coursing through my veins.   Settle
down , I told myself.   Sapphire is just fucking with me.   She most likely saw the show

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