Comes the Night (Entangled Suspense)

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Book: Comes the Night (Entangled Suspense) by Cathy Marlowe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cathy Marlowe
Tags: Suspense, Romance, Entangled, Select
dinner he’d been required to attend after a full day of work continued over drinks, running late into the night, and he missed spending the evening in the nursery. Although it interested him that another employee had finally visited the island, most of the conversation had bored him. The visitor, a balding, overweight smarmy man, had fawned over Alistair, which had disgusted Thomas. While he pretended to pay attention, his mind wandered repeatedly to Ace—and Maggie. Ace had thrived since she had arrived to lavish affection on him, but the nanny seemed to withdraw further with each passing day.
    She spent every moment possible with Ace, unless Thomas specifically asked her to leave…or until 8:55 each night, when she excused herself.
    Last night he had heard her open and close the door that provided access from her room to the hall. He’d wanted to know where she went when darkness fell.
    Stepping casually out of the room, he’d glimpsed her disappearing around the corner. Without conveying any urgency, he asked the security guard to call him if Ace awoke, then he strode down the hall, feeling ridiculous for sneaking around the corridors of his own house.
    Nevertheless, he’d followed her, stepping around the corner just in time to see her turn right, heading toward the east wing. Careful to remain unseen, he followed her until she stopped in front of his father’s rooms and, without knocking, stepped inside. Although he’d waited for more than half an hour, she remained inside. Finally he returned to his son, disturbed at the thought of what might be happening behind that closed door.
    “Thomas, what do you think?” Roused from his concerns by Alistair’s questions, he replayed the business conversation in his mind and responded.
    By the time he finally escaped the old man and his associate it was midnight.
    Midnight .
    Thomas frowned as he headed toward the nursery. After-dinner drinks had lasted forever. Because Alistair had required his presence throughout the day, he only visited Ace once. Soon, he promised himself, he wouldn’t allow Alistair to dictate his every move, but for now—well, he was still gathering information. And money. His frown eased as he acknowledged that the day hadn’t been a total loss. Ten thousand dollars rested safely in his pocket.
    Arriving at the nursery, he opened the door and slipped inside to find Ace sleeping in his crib. Maggie dozed awkwardly in the chair, wrapped in a cheap brown robe, troubled even in sleep. He studied her for a few moments before opening the door to her room, then returning to lift her. He swallowed as she curled into his embrace and settled peacefully in his arms.
    He hadn’t realized how slim she was, almost fragile. He suspected she’d lost weight since she’d arrived. Frowning at the dark circles that never left her eyes, he carried her into her room and attempted to place her on the bed. She whimpered in protest. Without considering the wisdom of his actions, he sought the room’s chair and sat down, comforting her until she settled into a deep sleep. Then he laid her with care on her bed.
    At eight thirty the next morning, the door from the nanny’s quarters burst open. Maggie scurried into the room, tightening the belt of her robe. She froze at the sight of Ace, content in his father’s arms.
    “Good morning.” She swallowed.
    Thomas smiled. Her hair had come loose as she slept. Still that unattractive red clay color, he could see now that it was long and wavy, with perhaps a hint of curl. Any makeup had rubbed off as she slept. Her eyes widened at his perusal, and a faint flush rose on her cheeks.
    She was beautiful.
    “Good morning.” At the sound of his husky voice her blush deepened. He cleared his throat, trying to dissolve some of the tension that unexpectedly filled the room.
    “What…I…” In her confusion, she was momentarily unguarded. It charmed him.
    “I thought you could use some sleep.” He frowned. “You

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