Game of Thrones and Philosophy

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Book: Game of Thrones and Philosophy by William Irwin Henry Jacoby Read Free Book Online
Authors: William Irwin Henry Jacoby
    self-interest and
    gender roles
    chivalry and
    fatalism and
    game theory and
    Geneva Conventions
    epistemology and
    metaphysics and
    gods. See religion
    golden mean
    Great Other
    Greek gods, problem of evil and
    Greyjoy, Balon
    Greyjoy, Theon
    just war theory and
    problem of evil and
    Greyjoys, war and
    Grice, Paul
    Grotius, Hugo
    Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals (Kant)
    Halfhand, Qhorin
    Hallyne the Pyromancer
    handicap. See biomedical ethics
    eudaimonia and virtue ethics
    morality and
    motivation and
    power and
    virtue and
    Hardy, Lyndon
    hate, power and
    Heaven, Ross
    Heidegger, Martin
    Henry VIII (King of England)
    H’ghar, Jaqen
    High Septon. See also religion
    History of Madness, The (Foucault)
    Hobbes, Thomas
    honor and
    self-interest and
    on social contract theory
    Holland, Ser Dontos
    homosexuality, chivalry and
    honesty, virtue ethics and
    Horn of Winter, epistemology and
    House and Philosophy
    How to Do Things with Words (Austin)
    human rights, just war theory and
    Hume, David
    humility. See epistemology
    honor and
    motivation and
    power and
    “Idle Argument”
    incest, cultural relativism and. See also Lannister, Cersei (Queen); Lannister, Jaime
    as criminal
    justification and
    “madness” as
    power and
    social control and
    values and
    intellect, happiness and
    just war theory and
    lying and
    power and virtù
    investment, game theory and
    Iron Throne, social contract theory and. See also individual names of characters
    irrationality, game theory and
    James I (King of England)
    Jefferson, Thomas
    Johns Hopkins Hospital
    Jordan, Robert
    justice, fatalism and
    epistemology and
    insanity and
    justifiable conduct and just war theory
    justified true belief, epistemology and
    just war theory
    cost- versus -gain ratio and
    discrimination between combatants and noncombatants
    idealism and
    intention and
    legitimate authority and
    moral luck and
    motivation and
    probability of success and
    reprisal and
    rights of state’s own citizens
    treatment of prisoners of war and
    war as last resort
    Kant, Immanuel
    chivalry and
    lying and
    moral luck and
    Kingsguard, chivalry and
    King’s Landing, morality and
    chivalry and
    game theory and
    Lady (direwolf)
    Lannister, Cersei (Queen)
    authenticity and
    chivalry and
    cultural relativism and
    egoism and
    game theory and
    happiness and
    incest and
    lying and
    morality and
    moral judgments about
    virtue ethics and
    Lannister, House of. See also individual names of family members
    Lannister, Jaime
    biomedical ethics and
    causality and
    cultural relativism and
    game theory and
    incest and
    insanity and
    just war theory and
    morality and
    problem of evil and
    Lannister, Lord Tywin
    just war theory and
    social contract theory and
    Lannister, Tyrion (“the Imp”)
    adaptability and
    on becoming who you are
    cultural relativism and
    fortuna and
    game theory and
    insanity and
    just war theory and
    moral luck and
    views about Dornish women
    views about his sister
    virtù and
    virtue ethics and
    Lao Tzu
    legitimate authority, just war theory and
    Leibniz, Gottfried
    Leviathan (Hobbes)
    Lhazareen “Sheep People”
    Littlefinger. See Baelish, Lord Petyr “Littlefinger”
    Locke, John
    fear and
    problem of evil and
    “long-distance driver” example
    cultural relativism and incest
    game theory and
    physicalism and
    power and
    virtue ethics and honesty ( See also virtue ethics)
    loyalty, social contract theory and
    fortuna as
    virtù and
    Luwin, Maester
    belief in magical beings
    biomedical ethics and
    magic and
    as betrayal of trust
    commitment and
    consequentialism and
    deception of kings
    deception vs .
    game theory and
    intent and
    Machiavelli, Niccolò
    idealism and
    power and
    The Prince
    mad fools
    causation and
    physicalism and
    reality and

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