companies (connect those dots). They sent him to the institutes of higher learning to promise funding in
to our medical schools and teaching hospitals if they would teach
allopathic medicine, meaning “Here’s my symptom; here’s your drug.”
From that time on, all the other “pathics” were eliminated from medical school agendas—homeopathic, chiropractic, naturopathic,and so on—and then later these “pathics” were vilified and dismissed as “quackery.” So recommendations like “Go home, drink plenty of liquids, and get some rest” and that kind of natural advice were replaced by our beloved GP saying, “Here’s a prescription for an antibiotic.” How many antibiotics have we taken for viruses when we didn’t have an infection? (Antibiotics do nothing for viruses.) How many antibiotics have been the culprit that have disrupted our delicate gut balance and promoted a lifetime of stomach and GI issues? Allopathic medicine is a brilliant business model, I must say, but the overuse and the overprescribing of drugs when there might have been a natural solution were the beginning of the end for us!
Today, we find ourselves in a quandary. We have become a society that is “overpilled” and overtreated, resulting in our brains being robbed of their ability to think, with side effects often worse than the original ailment itself.
At first, taking a drug for every infection, flu, virus, gut problem, headache, stomachache, and so on was seen to be a miracle. Acid reflux? No problem, take the purple pill. Anxiety? No problem, take an antianxiety pill. Pain? No problem, take a mind-numbing narcotic to chase it away. But then something started to go awry … the sleeping pills stopped working, the water pills set up a vicious cycle, the pain pills caused addiction, the antidepressants numbed the feelings away, allowing the patient to be there, but not really … “there.” These people got lost somewhere in a fog, their minds in a far-off place that took them out of their reality, in some cases forever.
As a result of concern on the part of not only many Western-trained doctors but also the patients themselves, alternative medicine has emerged. It’s called
antiaging medicine
, or
regenerative medicine
, or
age management
; I call it
advanced medicine
. This is the best of both worlds, taking advantage, as Dr. Jonathan Wright has so eloquently coined, of “using Nature’s tools” and Western medicine when necessary.
Advanced medicine also allows for the “pathics” to be relevant again. Homeopaths and naturopaths are rising up, and people are flocking to them. Alternative Western doctors now have long waiting lists. The people are speaking. They want to find natural, alternative ways for the body to heal itself, and to restore what might be missing due to age, stress, or toxicity.
One of the best doctors to explain the new medicine, and his approach to antiaging medicine, is my primary antiaging doctor, Dr. Michael Galitzer. I have a coterie of doctors, each one having hisor her specialty. This is my luxury. I have made health my priority and passion. Dr. Galitzer is one of several thousand qualified doctors that you can reference in my online resource section. I have been a patient of Dr. Galitzer for fifteen years. As you will read, he has a very unique way of treating and healing the body. I go to him regularly when I am “well” for what I call a “tune-up” before and after trips. I go to detoxify and to strengthen my immune system and keep my organs and glands in top working order. You will love what he has to say.
Dr. Michael Galitzer
is my personal, Western-trained, antiaging doctor. He practices advanced medicine at its best. He understands it all: how to balance hormones, how to strengthen the weakest organs and glands, how to strengthen the body to prepare it to fight cancer or tolerate conventional therapies. He understands the toxic