Not all couples in a Christian Domestic Discipline marriage use spanking as a means of punishment. Some use grounding, writing lines, scolding, and other forms of discipline rather than physical punishment. However, most CDD couples do use spanking, at least at times.
Advantages of Christian Domestic Discipline
I can’t tell you the number of testimonies I’ve read of those who say CDD has saved their marriage, brought them closer together as a couple, or renewed the romance in their relationship, but it is very frequent. On a recent (and ongoing survey) I am doing among the CDD community, the vast majority of responders were at a loss for words when asked, “How has CDD hurt your marriage?” Most of them responded, “CDD has not hurt our marriage in any way,” although a couple of ladies did point out that though their marriages weren’t hurt in the least, their bottoms certainly were.
When asked “How has CDD helped your marriage?” on the other hand, responders could not seem to say enough. The most frequent answers given were:
CDD helped the couple to become closer to each other
CDD brought peace to their homes
CDD decreased the number of arguments in their marriage
CDD helped them deal with problems quickly and thoroughly
Other frequent answers included:
CDD helped them become better husbands and wives
CDD enhanced communication
CDD increased trust in their marriage
CDD enhanced their sex lives
And most importantly:
CDD brought them closer to God
No one knows exactly why CDD seems to work so well to restore romance and vitality to marriages, but according to testimony after testimony, it does just that. My theory is that CDD helps couples focus on and live in the roles the Lord has created them to be happiest in.
Wives in a CDD marriage report having a stronger sense of security, a feeling of being protected and cherished. Husbands report an increase in confidence in their leadership abilities as a result of feeling respected. If it is true that a woman’s greatest need is to be cherished and a man’s greatest need is to be respected, it seems CDD fosters contentment in both partners in a marriage.
Introducing CDD to Your Spouse
Okay, so you’ve thought about it, you’ve studied, and you’ve spent a lot of time in prayer. Now maybe you have decided you would like CDD in your marriage. The next step is to… gulp… tell your spouse.
Yeah, right.
In a world where “Girls Rule, Boys Drool”… where feminists are considered heroines of the times… where men are thrown in jail for looking cross-eyed at their wives… how are you supposed to tell your spouse you’d like a Christian Domestic Discipline marriage?
Well… I did it in a note. I know, I know… it sounds pretty lame, but once you think about it, it’s a smart way to go about it since you are able to put all your thoughts down on paper coherently before you present them.
In whatever way you plan to tell your spouse, get your ducks in a row. First, you should pray. Pray for the right words, the right time, and that the Lord will prepare the heart of your spouse to accept what you have to say.
You should learn all you can about CDD so that when you are ready to talk to him or her, you know why you want a CDD relationship. You should be able to communicate your trust and love for your spouse as one reason to enter into such a relationship. You might even consider having information printed out for him or her to look over (or hand them this book), especially if they’ve never heard of a CDD relationship before.
Don’t expect an answer right away. CDD is a big step and requires a lot of prayer and thought. Many spouses are skeptical at first, as was mine. They may need time to see that you are serious about CDD. Be consistent in your God-given role in the marriage and give them the time they