A Life Restored

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Book: A Life Restored by Karen Baney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Baney
Tags: Religious Fiction
with her shamelessly last month when she’d been out to the ranch.   That he couldn’t deny.   He was completely befuddled as to why.   Shoot, a few times over the last year he even came close to kissing her.   Like a man his age had any call courting a woman.   There was just something about Betty that got under his skin and made him curious to learn more about her.
      He enjoyed watching her with little James.   She treated him like he was really her grandson.   Ben understood how she felt.   Didn’t matter that James didn’t share his blood.   He loved that child as if he did.
    He didn’t know why he started to think about Betty more and more lately.   Sometimes he wasn’t too sure if he was talking to Sheila in his mind anymore or if it was Betty he was talking to.   That scared him.   It was getting harder and harder to remember what Sheila’s voice sounded like.   Instead, when he was working through a problem in his mind, sometimes he could have sworn it was Betty’s voice answering him.   Maybe he was just going loony.
    As Snake pulled the wagon to a stop behind the mess hall at Fort Whipple on the western side of town, Ben dismounted his horse to the left.   Though it meant bending his knee some, he nearly landed on his hind end the one time he tried to dismount to the right—his left leg giving out.   So it was right side to mount and left side to dismount.   If anyone noticed his strange consistent practice, they never mentioned it.
    “Morning’ Maria,” he greeted the Mexican woman in charge of the fort’s kitchen with his slow drawl.   “Usual spot?”
    “Si,” came her reply.
    Grabbing a crate from the back of the wagon, he followed Snake into the pantry and set the crate on a shelf.   Then he picked up two of the empty crates from their last trip before getting another full crate.   A few more trips and the fort was resupplied with dried beef goods.
    Sending Snake on to town, Ben met with the supply officer for payment.
    “Heard there’s been some trouble with rustlers down south of here,” the officer said as he unlocked his desk drawer.   “Seen anything out your way?”
    “Nope.   But, I’ll keep an eye out.”
    The officer handed over the contracted amount and asked when they might be bringing by some steers.   Seems they were running low on the fresher variety of beef.   After finalizing the arrangements, Ben headed to town.
    Snake just finished unloading supplies for the two restaurants and pointed the wagon toward the hotel.   A few minutes later, they had Juniper House restocked.   Then they went on to Hardy’s store, the general mercantile that also stocked various grocery items.
    Just as dinner time rolled around, they arrived at Lancaster’s Boardinghouse.   Knowing the midday meal was a busy time for Betty, Ben suggested they eat dinner first.
    As he entered the long dining hall, a swell of noisy chatter pierced his ears.   Taking a seat at one of the three tables, he waited for Yu, the young Chinese woman who worked for Betty, to bring him coffee.
    “Ah, Mis-tah Shep-ahd,” she smiled, trying his name in her broken English.   “Bet-tee be gad to see you.”
    “Thank you, Yu.”   He smiled in return.
    “I go get ha.”
    A few minutes later, Betty ambled over with two heaping plates of food.   Biscuits with chipped beef and gravy.   His stomach growled as she set the plates before him and Snake.
    “Snake,” she greeted.   Then reaching out for Ben’s hand she gave a squeeze and a very warm smile. “Ben.”
    “Betty.”   He smiled back, surprised at her intimate gesture.
    “I hope you don’t have to hurry back to the ranch,” she said, chocolate brown eyes pleading.   “I’d very much like a chance to visit.”
    “You’re our last stop for the day.   Suppose we can stay for a bit,” he replied with a wink.
    Pink tickled her cheeks.   “Good.   Cause I want to hear everything about baby James.”
    Clutching a hand to his

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