from her? Is it genetic, or what?”
    He looked at me very intently, maybe deciding just what to say. “Yes, in a way it is genetic. However it is not a mutation of any sort. It is a gift from God that has been passed down from generation to generation.” As if that was explanation enough, he just stopped. I still had a million more questions to ask but before I could ask any of them, he stopped me by ending the conversation with, “When we get to the Compound, it will all be explained to you. It would be very hard to teach you how to control your power if you did not know where it came from and what you will be up against.”
    I accepted that for now. If all my questions were to be answered shortly, I could be patient enough to wait for them. It felt like I was in an episode of Supernatural, with those two cute Winchester brothers that fought demons and saw all kinds of crazy, unreal things. It wouldn’t surprise me if they busted in and tried to save the day. If only they were real though, then I wouldn’t have to save the day. “Fine, I will wait. I do have one last question for you though…” Waiting for his reaction, which was a somewhat annoyed look followed by a calm and patient nod, I continued, “Where is this compound that we are going to?”
    A smile found its way to his lips, spreading them just slightly upwards. For an older man, he was just as handsome as I remembered him, not the same kind of handsome as David, who was gorgeous, but he had that older and wiser look. It seemed like he hadn’t aged at all, of course I was young and could be remembering incorrectly. Breaking the smile he said, “The Sierra Nevada Mountains. After we arrive at Carson City, Nevada, we will board a small private airplane to Winnemucca where my car is waiting. We will drive west for about 30 minutes to our helicopter pad. We will arrive at the Compound via helicopter just over an hour and a half after we land in Carson City.”
    The Sierra Nevada Mountains? For a girl who had never been outside of Texas, let alone seen snow, I couldn’t have picked a better place. “Why there?” My curiosity always got the better of me.
    Rick let out another priceless smile and concluded with, “Where is there a better place to stay hidden and safe than surrounded by naturally occurring giant walls? Mount Whitney is one of the tallest mountains in the United States, you know!” Then he nodded toward my seat, I looked forward to see Sam stirring. I realized then that we were also almost there.
    My excitement at landing and for the trip ahead of us grew so quickly, I was caught off balance as I stood to walk back to my seat and fell back into David’s arms. But instead of the tiny sparks, this time when we touched it was an all-consuming fire. What the hell was going on?
    He helped me get my footing and smiled a jaw-dropping grin at me, “Almost there, don’t get all wobbly on me now.” Flustered, I readjusted myself and walked back to my seat. My first airplane ride had been enlightening, relaxing, and exhilarating all at the same time.
    I looked over Sam to see out the window and was amazed. Nevada was nothing like Texas.

    Chapter 7
The Compound
    After landing, we collected our bags and boarded the small private flight to Winnemucca. Both plane rides had hardly any turbulence and were nearly perfect flights – which was lucky for my first experience of air travel. Sam enjoyed the novelty of it all, but it was obvious she hadn’t realized that it was anything more than a vacation yet.
    We drove through grassy planes and almost roller coaster like terrain on our way to the helicopter pad After entering a password and scanning a badge at a gated gravel road, I thought at first we were going to drive straight into the wall of a huge Mountain. Camouflaged into the rest of the cliff was an opening into a small cave. Passing through the short cave, we came out into a small opening between mountain cliffs. The helicopter pad, which I

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