How to Remember Anything: The Proven Total Memory Retention System

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Book: How to Remember Anything: The Proven Total Memory Retention System by Dean Vaughn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dean Vaughn
corner again and see the m oo n .
    Now look at the left wall and wait for the next two-digit number.
    The next number is 25 . Think 2-5, N-L, n ai l . See the largest nail in the world being driven toward you through the left wall! Hear it!
    Review the back-left corner and see the m oo n . Review the present location and see the n ai l . See the next location—the front left corner—and wait for the next number.
    The next number is 22 . Think 2-2, N-N, n u n . See a nun standing in the front left corner of the room! The nun is so tall that she reaches from the floor to the ceiling!
    Review the left wall and see the n ai l . Review the present location and see the n u n . See the next location—the front wall.
    The next number is 52 . Think 5-2, L-N, l io n . See a gigantic lion leaping through the front wall! It is leaping right at you!
    Review the front left corner and see the n u n . Review the present location and see the l io n . See the next location (the front right corner).
    The next number is 14 . Think 1-4, T-R, t i r e. See an unbelievably large tire crashing through the front right corner of the room! Hear it as it spins and crashes through the front right corner!
    Review the front wall and see the l io n . Review the present location and see the t i r e. See the next location—the right wall.
    The next number is 20 . Think 2-0, N-S, n o s e. See a huge nose at the right wall!
    Review the front right corner and see the t i r e. Review the present location and see the n o s e. See the next location—the back right corner.
    The next number is 43 . Think 4-3, R-M, r a m . See the largest ram in the world bursting through the back right corner! It is kicking everything in its way!
    Review the right wall and see the n o s e. Review the present location and see the r a m . See the next location (the back wall).
    The next number is 53 . Think 5-3, L-M, l i m e. See a gigantic lime so large that it fills the entire back wall of the room!! It is squirting lime juice all over you!
    Review the back right corner and see the r a m . Review the present location and see the l i m e. See the next location—the floor.
    The next number is 40 . Think 4-0, R-S, r o s e. See a giant rose growing out of the floor! You can even smell it!
    Review the back wall and see the l i m e. Review the present location and see the r o s e.
    Now, if you saw a clear visual image of each object as we went around the room, you should be able to start at the ceiling and move around the room, identifying each object along the way.
    To remember the twenty-digit number, just translate the ten objects (Key Words) back to their two-digit numbers! Here is the process:
Ceiling: See the n e t .
Think: N-T.
Say: 2-1.
    Please note that, you will say each digit separately. Don’t say “21”; instead say “2, 1.” It is much more impressive to call the numbers back as twenty single digits rather than ten sets of two-digit numbers.
Back left corner: See m oo n . Think M-N. Say 3-2.
Left wall: See n ai l . Think N-L. Say 2-5.
Front left corner: See n u n . Think N-N. Say 2-2.
Front wall: See l io n . Think L-N. Say 5-2.
Front right corner: See t i r e. Think T-R. Say 1-4.
Right wall: See n o s e. Think N-S. Say 2-0.
Back right corner: See r a m . Think R-M. Say 4-3.
Back wall: See l i m e. Think L-M. Say 5-3.
Floor: See r o s e. Think R-S. Say 4-0.
    Now, try it on your own! Without looking at the book, start at the ceiling and write down the ten sets (twenty digits) in sequence. Then come back to this page and check your answers:

    How did you do? Considering that this was the first time you ever even tried to do it, I’ll bet you did pretty well. After you are certain you know the Key Words for all 100 numbers (00-99), practice taking at least a twenty-digit number every day. Soon you will use two rooms to store forty-digit numbers. After you have filled the first room (ending with the floor), just think of your next room and start at the

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