The Bigger They Are… (Lovers on the Fringe, Book Two)

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Book: The Bigger They Are… (Lovers on the Fringe, Book Two) by Stephanie Julian Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Julian
“Now we travel the world, spreading—”
    Fry reached out and smacked his arm.
    “Please excuse him.” Fry’s words still slurred a bit and, combined with the accent, she was charmed. “He tends to get a little ferklempt,” hic, “ when he talks about his roots.”
    Andy shrugged. “Well, it’s kind of cold in Nepal and we get kind of sick of snow and all the freakin’ tourists. Yeah, we’ve got fur coats when we want them, but it’s still getting crowded in our neck of the woods.”
    “And you’re really a…a Bigfoot?”
    “No, my cousin’s a Sasquatch. I’m a Yeti.”
    “Of course he is.”
    “Jenna, you know I would never hurt you, right?”
    She rolled her eyes at him. The thought hadn’t even had time to cross her mind, and now… Well, of course he wouldn’t hurt her. The guy who’d rocked her boat last night wouldn’t hurt her. And neither would the hulking, seven-foot white wookie. “Did you ever meet George Lucas?”
    As Fry nearly fell out of the back of the car laughing, Andy’s adorable face screwed up in a frown. “Uh, no, I don’t think— Oh, wait. You think I’m a freakin’ wookie?”
    Uh-oh. Jenna bit into her bottom lip at his offended tone. “I’m sorry. I actually think they’re cute.”
    Fry did fall out of the car then, blue wings wrapped around his shoulders as he howled with laughter.
    “Jenna,” Andy started then stopped to shake his head. “I’m sorry too. I’m sorry you got dragged into this.”
    Damn, she totally knew where this was going. When a guy started telling you he was sorry for something, either he was about to tell you he’d cheated on you or he was dumping you.
    And since it couldn’t be the first, all things considered, it had to be the second. Which totally sucked, even though she understood. Really, she did.
    What had she been expecting anyway? A lifelong commitment? She’d gone into this with the idea that it would be a fling and that was what she’d gotten.
    A fling with a guy who could turn into a Yeti. Which, up until this moment, she hadn’t believed existed.
    It was enough to make a rational girl believe she needed a straitjacket and a rubber room.
    And Jenna was nothing if not rational. Maybe too rational.
    Maybe she needed to be a little irrational sometimes. Maybe she actually wanted to continue the romance with the Yeti.
    Yeah, and what should she tell her brother?
    Guess what, Joss? I met this great guy and he fulfills all my fantasies. And he’s an abominable snow monster and would prove all your crazy theories and make you famous. And make Andy’s life unbearable.
    She couldn’t do it.
    Better to leave now and promise to keep his secret. Besides, no one would believe her. They’d think she was just another crackpot. Just like Joss.
    She forced a bright smile. “I’m not sorry to have met you, Andy. And I won’t betray your secret, not even to my brother. But what are you going to do with Mike?”
    “Mike won’t be a problem. We’ve got ways of making him keep quiet. Jenna…”
    Andy looked pained, so at odds with his normal expression that she lifted her hand to stroke away the lines.
    “You don’t have to worry about me. I won’t tell a soul.” Not only would no one but her brother believe her but she’d be lumped into the same category of flake as her brother…which wasn’t so flaky anymore.
    “I should be going. I’ve got a long drive home and I have to work tomorrow.”
    Back to her boring life of numbers and equations and boring people who thought wookies weren’t as cute as ewoks.
    And that sometimes the things that went bump in the night were actually more interesting than the people who sleepwalked through their day believing the only strange things in life were people who thought K was an acceptable substitute for C in given names.
    How could she reconcile her boring life to the one he lived?
    “Jenna,” Andy sighed. “Are you sure you’re okay to drive?”
    “Yes, I’ll be fine. Really, I

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