Dreams of Ivory

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Book: Dreams of Ivory by Carrie Ann Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carrie Ann Ryan
Tags: Romance
sure he won’t mind as he’s been taking care of it for a long time anyway.”
    She winced at the reminder. “No. I’ll take care of it. I’m not as hurt as it seems, I promise. I’m just a little tired.”
    She heard Jackson grunt and looked up as he glared at her. She’d forgotten he was in the room, but it didn’t matter. She had a job to do that she’d been neglecting too long.
    “If you’re sure you’re up to it, dear. You only have a couple stops tonight since it’s a slow night. Take Jackson with you though.”
    “Why would I do that? I thought fairies worked alone.”
    “He’s a sandman, dear. A brand new one with no choice, at that. You and he will both be working the night. Well, didn’t that sound dirty? You know what I meant.”
    Honor held back a smile at the way her aunt’s mind worked. 
    “I also want him there in case you pass out or another accident happens around you. He’s been around to save your life—or at least witness you almost dying—twice now.”
    Honor frowned. It did seem odd that two major accidents had happened to her since she’d moved to Holiday, but, really, she must be just turning accident-prone. Thank God for Jackson though.
    “If you’re sure,” she said, her mind on what she needed to do and not on what had happened.
    “I’m sure. I’ve already been talking to another sandman I know. He should be in town soon to talk to Jackson about what he can do. I’m afraid it won’t be much other than show Jackson the ropes though. I don’t know of a way to get out of the sandman work other than retiring, and you know it’s at least a ten-year commitment.”
    Honor nodded, already knowing the answer. Poor Jackson.
    He already hated magic and now he was thrust in the center of it with these new responsibilities of his and the fact that she’d told him who she was.
    That little bit of excitement that had grown within her when he’d touched her side started to shrivel up. There was no way he’d want to be with her when she was the tooth fairy.
    Fate really was a bitch sometimes.
    “I’ll have someone drop by all you’ll need tonight, dear. You’ll be fine.”
    Honor snorted. “You say that as if I know what I’m doing.”
    “Of course you do. It’s all in the blood. You’ve been ignoring it for so long that you’re just afraid. And, no, that wasn’t a guilt trip, so stop frowning. Take Jackson with you tonight and show him what it is you do. It’ll bring you closer.”
    The only reason Honor didn’t roll her eyes at that comment was that it would probably hurt her head, but it was a close call. 
    “Fine. Thanks, Aunt Clementine.”
    “No problem, hon. And Honor?” Her aunt took a deep breath. “I’m so happy you’re okay. Don’t scare me like that again, okay?”
    Honor swallowed hard. “I won’t.” She winced. “Can you call Tucker?”
    Her aunt snorted. “Already did. He’d be on his way over now if it wasn’t for me yelling at that boy. You need to work on your magic and on that man of yours. You don’t need your brother lurking about and brooding.”
    Honor smiled at the thought. “He does do that, doesn’t he?”
    Her aunt chuckled. “Yes he does. Now get some rest and let that handsome Cooper take care of you. You have an easy night tonight, dear.”
    She hung up and looked up at Jackson.
    “I caught most of that since your aunt isn’t a quiet speaker. I guess I’m stuck with this whole sandman gig, huh?”
    Her heart went out to him. “For a bit at least. I’ll help you though. Sandmen work with kids and so do I. We can work together. Plus if you’re here in Holiday, your territory is smaller than most. That’s just how things in Holiday are. I’m sure Justin has a smaller territory with his job with Santa.”
    He nodded but didn’t look convinced. “We also have a field trip tonight I hear.”
    “Tonight’s my first night working as a tooth fairy. I’m sorry I forgot.”
    “You were a little busy trying not to

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