The Mothers' Group

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Book: The Mothers' Group by Fiona Higgins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fiona Higgins
Tags: Ebook, book
months, it’s all sorted.’ He laughed. ‘We’ll be heading back to Bali in the next month or so. But Wayan’s getting heavier by the day and I’m an old man. I’m not sure my back can take it anymore . . .’
    Made giggled and slapped him on the knee as if he’d just told a fabulous joke.
    Pat looked from one to the other. ‘Is that similar to a christening ceremony?’
    Gordon shook his head. ‘Not really. For Balinese parents, it’s when you find out who your baby really is. A spirit medium tells you who’s been incarnated in the baby. There’s nothing like it in Australia. Fascinating stuff.’
    It sounded completely foreign to Ginie. And to Pat, too, it seemed.
    â€˜Right, one more,’ said Pat, moving on. ‘Robert?’
    â€˜Yep,’ said the rugged-looking man at Pippa’s side. His faded blue work shirt was tucked into navy King Gee trousers, and his Blundstone boots were caked in dried mud. ‘Um, I’ve got to go back to work soon, sorry.’ He looked around at the group. ‘I’m a builder.’
    A man who actually works hard, thought Ginie.
    â€˜What do I like about being a dad? Um . . .’ He rubbed his hands together, thinking. ‘Um . . .’ The silence began to drag. ‘Well, I guess it’s nice seeing her asleep.’ A pinkness had spread across his cheeks. ‘And what I don’t like is . . . when she doesn’t sleep very well.’ He glanced nervously at his wife. ‘I mean, it’s really hard when she’s waking up six or seven times a night.’
    Pippa’s gaze was fixed on the white wall opposite.
    Pat nodded sagely. ‘Yes, sleeping problems are by far the biggest cause of stress for parents in the first year of their baby’s life. That’s why it’s so important to get babies into a good sleep routine from the outset.’
    She stood up. ‘Right, thank you very much for sharing, gentlemen. It’s great to have you here. Today’s topics are: effective co-parenting, communication skills and finding time for “us”. Some of you have already touched on these issues. So, let’s get started.’
    Ginie’s eyes began to glaze over. Her hand strayed to her iPhone.
    â€˜Yeah, I enjoyed it,’ said Daniel, pushing Rose’s pram as they made their way back to the car park. ‘I mean, especially the informal chat afterwards. No one’s got a clue about parenting, really. We’re all just having a swing at it. And shit happens, literally, to everyone.’
    â€˜How very philosophical of you.’
    â€˜Robert’s a nice guy, Richard’s a bit quiet,’ he continued. ‘I’m not sure why you’re so hung up about Made and Gordon. He seems pretty laidback. He’s a surfer too, you know.’
    Ah, thought Ginie. The surfing fraternity prevails.
    â€˜But don’t you think she’s a bit young for him?’
    â€˜Well, you married a younger guy.’ He winked at her. ‘No one’s calling you a cradle-snatcher.’
    Her irritation erupted to the surface. ‘Yes, what the hell were you thinking, referring to yourself as my “toy boy” back there?’
    Daniel stopped walking and turned to face her.
    â€˜What’s wrong?’ He seemed genuinely puzzled.
    â€˜I just didn’t appreciate it, in front of people I hardly know. And as for “three chiefs and no Indians”, you made me sound like a control freak.’
    He looked at her for a moment then grinned. ‘Well, you are. Don’t tell me you’re going to deny that ?’
    She relented a little. ‘Well, maybe I am, sometimes. But not when it comes to Rose.’
    â€˜Oh, right.’ His smile was teasing now. ‘Well, all I can say is, I could do with a fathers’ group to give me some support. Maybe I’ll contact those guys back there and suggest a men’s shed for the

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