laundered drug money.”
    Charles leaned back in his chair and watched the agent turn off the video equipment. Once they left the room, Charles knew what he had to do. He knew he’d never live long enough to testify in court. The FBI had his confession and testimony. He’d lost everything. His family wanted nothing more to do with him. Charles knew there wouldn’t be much time before the agents came back to officially charge him. He slowly removed his tie and stood on his chair.

  Chapter Eleven

    Four Months Later – Valentine’s Day
    “The movers will be there at eight o’clock in the morning.”
    Lauren confirmed the time to her mother.
    “Thank you sweetheart, I don’t know what I would have done without you these past months.”
    After the private funeral for her father, Lauren’s mother confessed she had most of her family trust fund invested outside of her husband’s money. Her mother may have portrayed the obedient corporate wife, but she’d definitely outsmarted her husband for years. The arranged marriage had remained loveless except in the public eye. To the outside world, the Vanderholms were the perfect corporate couple. Lauren respected her mother for the role she’d played her entire married life. To discover her mother’s wise decision to invest her family’s money separate from her father’s, only made her respect her more. Once her mother shared this information with her, she no longer worried. She knew her mother would be fine on her own.
    “Mom, you’re the strongest woman I’ve ever known. I think it’s the other way around. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
    Lauren embraced her mom in a loving hug.
    “I still believe you were wrong about that agent.”
    Brett had respected Lauren’s wishes and stayed away. Her mother talked about him on their travels. After the funeral, Lauren suggested they visit her mother’s sister in England and travel Europe afterward. Her mother agreed with her daughter. Lauren thought it best to stay away during the arrest and trial of Nick Mendez. The news of her father’s involvement and suicide would settle and become old news. She told Lauren it was written all over her face that she loved him and that you can’t just close your heart. Lauren continued to tell her it wasn’t that simple.
    “Please don’t mention his name again, Mom.”
    Lauren mixed them a drink. For the past week since they arrived home from Europe, they hadn’t stopped. Her father’s business and estate had been secured throughout the trial. Everything had been lost. His business had been picked through with a fine-tooth comb by the FBI as they discovered his investments all tied in with the Mendez family. The FBI had allowed them back in the house to pack personal items and family heirlooms from her mother’s side of the family. The movers were scheduled for the next morning to move her mother’s belongings to the city. Her mother bought an exquisite flat on Park Avenue. Lauren decided she would sell her house and move to the city to be close to her mother. The time had come to leave the suburbs and the memories behind.
    Lauren handed her mother a drink when the doorbell rang.
    “I wonder who that could be.” Lauren looked at her mother.
    No one had come by since they returned from Europe. They hadn’t kept in touch with anyone. Then again, their friends were mostly business acquaintances.
    “Maybe it’s that nice-looking agent.” Her mother turned and winked.
    The gesture surprised Lauren. She had never seen her mother imply anything improper.
    “Mother” Lauren rolled her eyes.
    “What? I’m not just your mother, Lauren. I’m also human.” She snickered at her own comment.
    “I’m just a little surprised,” Lauren laughed.
    She shook her head and opened the door, only to be surprised once more. Her mother had been right.
    “Agent, what brings you here?”
    He stood with a look of desperation in his eyes. Lauren’s eyes travelled to the single

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