“Of course not. I would never betray you, Fallon, I promise you that.”
She nodded.
“Who are you tracking now? Who is this Kjin person?”
She turned to the window. “I would rather not talk about that now. I’m really tired and I just want to lie down.”
He went to her side and lifted her into his arms from the bench seat. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he carried her to the bed and set her down gently.
For a long moment, he stared down at her and for the first time, she looked fragile to him. Not in a physical sense, but emotionally.
“Turn over.”
He heard her soft intake of breath, but after a short hesitation, she rolled onto her stomach.
He sat beside her on the edge of the bed, lifted her shirt, and tenderly fingered the scars on her back. She flinched at the contact. “Don’t.” Her voice was tortured and husky.
“Because I’m embarrassed.”
“Of what?”
“No one has ever seen my scars before.”
“Did it hurt? When they clipped them?”
“Unbelievably so.”
“I think they are incredibly beautiful.”
“How could scars be beautiful?”
“Because they tell me what kind of woman you are. One who would endure such pain just to help others is very rare. You are really quite special.”
“I thought you were the special one? At least, that’s what you told me the day we met.” He heard the smile in her words.
“And, it’s all true.” He leaned down and tenderly kissed the back of her neck. When she turned to face him, he brushed his lips against hers, feather light. When a low whimper escaped her throat, the room seemed to spin with his heightened awareness of their bodies pressed so close together. An inferno raged inside him and his muscles tightened with need.
“Kade, I can’t.”
He sat up and let out a deep breath. “I’m sorry.”
“You should know that I’m a virgin, Kade, and plan to remain that way.”
“A virgin? Even before, you never…?”
“And, you plan to remain a virgin until you’re married?” he asked incredulously.
“Married?” she scoffed loudly. “I don’t think marriage is in the cards for me, Kade.”
He did not laugh and his eyes narrowed in seriousness. “Marry me.”
He jumped off the bed and knelt, grabbing her hand in his. “I mean it! Marry me, Fallon.” He had never been more sure of anything in his entire life. “I love you.”
A lone tear made its trek down her face, but she did not respond.
“Am I alone in how I feel, Fallon, or do you love me, too?”
She shook her head. “It wouldn’t matter how I feel. I could never put you in the kind of danger that is my life.”
“I can help protect you, Fallon! Your cause is now mine. We will fight together. Don’t you want someone by your side?”
He could tell that his question struck a chord with her when she began crying inconsolably.
“Don’t answer me now,” he whispered. “But, think about it, okay?” She was lying on top of the blanket, so he lifted one side and held it open. “Come on. Scoot in.” Surprisingly, she heard him and lifted her body to snuggle under the covers. When he got into bed beside her, she did not protest. “Go to sleep now. I am watching over you, Fallon, tonight and for all the nights to come. You are not alone anymore.”
A Sinful Confession
Marc Ellis sat in his office at the university and watched through the windows as the students made their way to morning classes, his furious thoughts of Fallon Angell consuming him.
The girl knew, of course, what he was the moment he walked into his sister’s house for dinner last night. Her Kur would have told her that.
He slammed his hand on the desk. What were the chances that his idiotic nephew would meet and bring home a Knight of Emperica! The Knight. The Knight he had been ordered by his superior to lure to Alden as she was responsible for the deaths of more Kjin in the past three years than any Knight