The Bloody Mary Diet: The Detective Adele Series Book 1

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Book: The Bloody Mary Diet: The Detective Adele Series Book 1 by Caroline Stuchlik Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caroline Stuchlik
before I even try.  Just like before. Nothing.
    When Christine pushes the real spirit out she pushes out everything.  Then when she leaves there is literally nothing left but the shell.  Not a single memory, nothing.  She is killing these girls, using their bodies and dumping them after just a few days. 
    The only part of her that is left is evil. She is evil. After all these years all that remains of the pretty young woman who wanted to be a nurse is bitterness and rage. A blind need for revenge. She is not even really aware of herself or Prof. McNeal. His phone number and where he might be are her strongest memories. New information, like a variation in schedule or a phone number, is very difficult to take in and process. I wonder how much self-awareness she is still capable of, if she even has the capacity to form intent beyond her need to hurt him.
    She is what is in the McNeil’s back yard.  I know it but you can’t get a warrant to dig up a private yard to look for the body on a fifteen year old cold case without any evidence.  I can be right as much as I want but with no physical evidence it counts for nothing.  I want to cry.
    We thank Carl and leave. Back in Trevor’s car I tell him about Prof. McNeil and how all he cared about was that he not be blamed. He didn’t care if more people died as long as no one found his dirty little secret. He would not tell me where Christine was to save lives and I could not make him.  She was going to continue to kill girls just to use their bodies for a few days and then dump them and our hands were tied.  I suddenly felt very tired.
    Chapter 9: Home.
    Just as I am closing my eyes I get a jolt from my brother’s friendship bracelet. I know I am asleep but I go with it. I see him in a room, four other men are arguing. One pulls out a gun and starts shooting. It is the day he was found with the two dead bodies. He called the police and stayed. The two shooters left. They were both much older than him and I got a very clear look, sharing someone else’s dream is a strange feeling.  
    I close my eyes and open my mind . Opening up as big as I can I reach out.  David is still here but something bad has happened.  Something about not getting the money. He is nervous and tired and he does not want to be doing what they are making him do. He is very scared. Something has gone wrong. My mind slams shut so hard that I jump.  I am too hungry and too exhausted to keep it open. I have to call our dad and let him know. I open my eyes and straighten up just as we pull up to “our” house.
    Trevor tells me he called my dad this morning to ask for my hand in marriage.  He had to leave a message.  The last time he courted a girl there were no phones and he hopes that is not too much of a breach of etiquette.  I am quite sure that it is a huge breach of etiquette but I don’t say so.  I tell Trevor that it is perfect and he seems relived. 
    Now I am callin g dad.  He answers on the second ring and tells me about the message from Trevor.  Dad asks if Trevor is the crazy one form the office and I assure him that everyone at the office is completely crazy and so that would not narrow it down. He asks if I love Trevor and I say yes.  After a brief pause he says we have his blessing. I thank him on behalf of both of us and tell him about David.  He is still okay and in the city.  I leave the rest out.  I can feel his relief and hopefulness over the phone.  I hope I don’t let him down.
    My history with my parents is not the greatest. Dad and David are both majiks, not regulars like my mom. David probably has some sort of abilities but whatever they are they aren’t helping. No one has ever taught him how to be what he is because we are an embarrassment. We are accepted and even liked by some but for the most part we don’t really belong. That’s probably why my dad’s mom didn’t want me. I would not be able to hide what I was like she and her family did. They are not

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