Luke: Emerson Wolves

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Book: Luke: Emerson Wolves by Kathi S. Barton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathi S. Barton
Tags: Paranormal
also find a person within yourself that you never knew was there. The stronger version of yourself. But I’m thinking now you might have found her a long time ago.”
    “I’m not someone men or women want as friends. So I’ve been very good at shoving them away so I don’t let myself be hurt. Or hurt them.” Jack leaned back too but lay on her back. “My brother? Someone said he gave the permission needed to change me into this. Do you know why he was contacted at all?”
    “I’m sorry, but I don’t. I would assume that somewhere along the line you gave them something that would have made them search for him. You needed to be converted or you would be dead now. What he did was save you.” Jack didn’t say anything, and Slone seemed to be content to not speak either.
    “I know about you. Not a great deal, but I know about you. When I’d get post cards from Allen, he’d mention you. I know that I don’t talk to him, but I still look out for him. I did some research.” Slone didn’t speak, and Jack turned to look at her. “I really like the way you took care of that other mayor. The way you’ve helped the people in this town, especially my brother. Thank you for that.”
    “I didn’t help your brother. He did whatever it is he’s done all on his own. Luke likes him and that alone is enough for the rest of us to like him.” Jack nodded and turned to look at the sky again as Slone continued. “I know about you too. It’s within my powers to search you as well.”
    “Whatever you found out, it’s more than likely true. I didn’t, however, leave my brother in jail to rot, as he accused me of some time ago. I simply knew that if I didn’t stop when I did, he’d be dead and me with him.” Slone said something low, but Jack wanted to explain herself before she kicked her to the curb. “He was going down the wrong path and at the fast rate he was going, he’d have been hitting the bottom within days, not years. I had to distance myself from him or slip in with him. Plus, there was our father. He’s a piece of shit and I hope I never see him again.”
    “Allen said that he’s not a nice man and that your mother died when he was young.” Jack snorted but didn’t say anything. “Allen did what he had to do. He told us all that you’d hate him for it, but he had to repay you in some way for what you did for him.”
    “For what?” Slone said she had no idea. “I left him in a cell with several other criminals. My father, he called me for nearly a month to come and give Allen money to get him straightened out, but I didn’t. I’m so broke now that the thought of trying to purchase anything I might need is terrifying. Getting my car here is a daunting idea, and other than sleeping in my car when or even if I ever get it here, it’s doubtful that I’d make it through one night without someone killing me in it. My life is really fucked up right now.”
    “You have a home with Luke.” She shook her head, and Slone laughed. “Your boss called here. He found out from someone that you’d been hurt. You’ve been fired. I’m sorry.”
    “Figures.” Jack felt so depressed that the river was looking better and better all the time. “I hated that job anyway. I love what I can do, but the guy I worked for was an idiot and a fool. He would take on clients without getting any idea what they wanted. One of them wanted us to use mentally handicapped people in an ad to show how easy their twist-off lids of soup worked. They wanted me to use the phrase ‘even a retard could do it.’”
    “Oh my goodness.” Jack felt her temper rise when she thought of those people. “And what did your boss say about their ad campaign? Plenty, I hope.”
    “Yeah, he had plenty to say, all right. Most of which was directed at me for not doing what the client wanted. Can you imagine the feedback the firm would have gotten? Christ, people would have been picketing us for months.” Jack sat up as a large island of trees

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