The Elder Blood Chronicles Book 2 Blood Honor and Dreams
in his seat.
    “I’ve been watching the house for months and
what I’ve seen has been pathetic. It’s what I would expect from
poorly written street theatre. Every time I hear Myth planning, I
expect it to be followed with dramatic maniacal laughter. It simply
isn’t her way. Myth wouldn’t be so blatant,” Kiernan explained.
    “Wait, her who?” Shade asked leaning forward
with a confused look on his face. His voice drew dark looks from
the council at his interruption but his eyes were only on
    “Myth,” Kiernan replied patiently and sighed
at seeing his nephew’s confusion grow. “Mythandry, or as you know
her, Mythandar. My sister,” Kiernan explained patiently.
    “What?” Shade exclaimed in shock. He shook
his head and stared at his uncle as if expecting the man to chuckle
and say he was joking.
    “Mythandry was born a woman but chose to turn
to male after the fall of her bloodline. A woman can only produce a
child once every several months depending on the species. A male
can procreate much more effectively,” Lutheron said impatiently and
motioned for Kiernan to continue.
    “Myth is pure changeling, Shade. Whatever a
true changeling becomes, they in essence are. Be it switching
gender or species, we function as that form was intended to,”
Kiernan spoke gently to him but quickly turned back to
    Symphony watched the exchange quietly and
felt a pang of sympathy for the boy. His entire life had been
rearranged in the past few weeks and it seemed he still had quite a
few surprises in store. Moving quietly across the room she took a
seat beside Remedy and smiled up at the auburn haired man. He was
her closest friend in the Fionahold ,though she had rarely gotten
to see him recently.
    “I won’t move at all until I know where the
true Myth is. She is too dangerous. I’m not sure what exactly she
is playing at, but that creature in Morcath isn’t her. She could be
anywhere,” Kiernan continued, his eyes flicking from face to face
in the room.
    Lutheron nodded slowly and scanned those
present. “She isn’t here, I will promise you that,” he said
    “How can you be sure?” Kiernan asked, his
tone skeptical.
    “I can sense some type of fear from everyone
here, I have never been able to sense fear on Mythandry and I have
been close enough to her several times to try. She is the one
individual other than myself that I can say is fearless,” Lutheron
    “Do we have any guesses as to where she might
be?” Symphony asked quietly, watching all of their faces. Most were
blank but Lutheron looked thoughtful while Kiernan simply seemed
guarded as usual.
    “From what I know of Myth, she will be where
she believes the most action will be. That puts her one of two
places - here, or Sanctuary,” Lutheron said and looked to
    “The one thing I’ve learned of my sister in
our years together is to never try to predict what she will do. It
was hard enough to guess her next move before her mind fractured.
Now it is nearly impossible,” Kiernan said with a shrug. “What have
you learned from Gaelyn?” he asked, looking to Caspian. “I do
believe Myth was involved in that plot, though not actually
directing it. Perhaps if I learn what she has helped create, I’ll
get a better idea of what she is after,”
    “We have learned that these Blight children,
as they are being called, have effectively wiped out a majority of
the population in Gaelyn. The city of Eldagar is overrun and most
of the villages are destroyed. They have begun crossing the borders
into Glis recently and we expect they will soon be affecting Arovan
as well,” Caspian explained. He motioned toward the back of the
room and Charm dropped down from the rafters. “Charm can explain
more to you,” Caspian said.
    Sitting back in her chair, Symphony watched
Charm pace the room, and listened once again as he described the
nightmare creatures he had been living among for nearly three
weeks. How he had

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