Defeat Cancer

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Authors: Connie Strasheim
lung tissue. In the 1940s, doctors used to treat heart failure with beef heart, and it worked. Then, after World War II, pharmaceutical companies began to really push drugs and everyone forgot about these old folk remedies, but they really work! So we use a lot of glandular products in my practice, along with vitamins, minerals, and trace elements.
    In summary, we try to get every system in the body to work right, by giving our patients the right diet and supplements, and by making sure that they aren’t taking the wrong ones. It’s just as important to get the wrong supplements and foods out of the diet as it is to bring in the right ones.
Pancreatic Enzymes
    While we use dietary, vitamin, mineral, and other supplements to help our patients function at top physiological efficiency, we use pancreatic enzymes to directly attack their cancers. My average patient takes anywhere from 90-110 enzyme capsules per day, which are spread throughout the day. We really load them up on enzymes, but this is necessary in order for them to overcome cancer. Overall, my average cancer patient takes over 175 pills a day, most of those being enzymes.
    In orthodox medicine, pancreatic enzymes are thought to have just one function: to help digest food. They are excreted by the pancreas into the intestinal tract, where they break down carbohydrates, fats and proteins arriving from the stomach. Orthodox medicine doesn’t recognize Dr. Beard’s theory that pancreatic enzymes represent the body’s main defense against cancer, which is how we use them atour office. Again, pancreatic enzymes control placental growth, and since cancer cells result from misplaced placental cells, pancreatic enzymes also control cancer cell growth. We treat cancer according to Dr. Beard’s theory, which was developed over 100 years ago, published in the mainstream scientific literature, and then totally ignored.
    The third component of our treatment plan, and also the most controversial, is detoxification. When cancer cells die, a lot of toxins get released in the body, so it’s important for people with cancer to detoxify themselves. Detoxification is also important during cancer treatment because the body is repairing itself, and a lot of toxins get released during that process.
    We are all exposed to thousands of chemicals every day: heavy metals, pesticides, and so on. There are thousands of chemicals in our water, air, and food, and many of those toxins are stored in our cells, where they remain like a ticking time bomb. In addition, cancer cells produce all kinds of foreign molecules, such as abnormal enzymes and proteins, which are toxic to the cells. Now, when the body repairs itself and tumor tissue is broken down, all kinds of toxic wastes get released into the bloodstream. The liver and kidneys filter out these toxins, but these organs get overloaded, so we have a series of procedures at our office which we recommend that our patients use to mobilize, neutralize, and excrete all of this toxic stuff out of their bodies.
    One of these is the infamous coffee enema, which, paradoxically and ironically, and despite all of the criticism against it, came from conventional medicine. Up until the 1960s, most nursing textbooks recommended them for patients. The Merck Manual, which is a compendium of orthodox treatments, listed coffee enemas as a treatment up until the 1970s. My eccentric and brilliant mentor, Dr. Kelley, who was a dentist and the first person to revive Dr. Beard’s work, incorporated coffee enemas into his patients’ protocols because they came out of the Merck manual and they help theliver to function better, which is also why we incorporate them into our protocols.
    In addition, we recommend intestinal cleanses, juicing, skin brushing (which is an old technique used to stimulate lymphatic drainage), as well as other things to assist the detoxification organs with the process of toxin removal. All of these strategies can be done at

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