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Book: Shocked by Casey Harvell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Casey Harvell
    “It’s not your fault, doc.” I give him a weak smile. “It was my own choice to go. Sort of.”
    There’s a quick knock on the door before it opens. B looks up with one eye before going back to sleep and Mason walks in. “Hey, sorry. I had to save you a plate, Kat. You guys missed dinner.”
    “Thanks,” I look down, realizing I’m still half-dressed.
    Mason looks from me to Dr. Ford and takes in my expression and his obvious angst. Immediately Mason’s face goes white. I cringe mentally. I don’t plan on hiding any of this from Mason, but if Dr. Ford’s reaction was that bad Mason’s is bound to be far worse.
    “What’s wrong?” It’s more of a demand than a question and he stares down Dr. Ford.
    “Relax, Mason. She’s fine. It’s what they put her through that’s upsetting.”
    When we explain he insists on seeing the scars. I show him first my arms, then my thighs. They’re by far the worst: scarred in some places and plainly missing chunks of flesh in others. Mason gets up and leaves the room before I can even say anything.
    Dr. Ford looks at me as tears fill my eyes. “It’s not you he’s upset with.”
    “I should get dressed.” I say quietly.
    Dr. Ford nods. “I’ll wait in the hall.” He puts a hand on my shoulder. “Not you, okay?”
    “I know.” I whisper. I can’t help but wonder if Mason is mad at me for leaving, regardless of the circumstances.

    Brie and I stay up late talking. She eagerly catches me up on everything I’ve missed. I recount most of my journey here and spare her any details of the medical facility. At some point Mason and Jared join us. After a few yawns from Brie Jared calls it. I don’t blame him—her belly’s at least three times its normal size. It strains against her shirt and doesn’t look very comfortable. It’s still hard to wrap my mind around the fact that she’s making an actual person in there.
    It’s exciting to hear that our friends Jack, Marietta, Becky and little Nate made it here safely. Brie promised a reunion at lunch tomorrow. If only I ignore the world outside these walls, life might be pretty good.
    Mason walks over to me. It’s just the two of us now and he sits in the folding chair across from me. All of the furniture in this area is folding. All easily broken down and moved. The building seems more like a converted out-building: with its grooved steel outer walls, tin roof and concrete floors. The folding chair creaks when Mason moves forward and the table gives a tremor as he covers my hand with his own.
    “I’m sorry.” His eyes are heavy and his shoulders slump. “I seem to just keep failing you.”
    “Mason, you haven’t failed me once.” I grip his hand harder. “Never. It was my choice to go when I did. And if I didn’t, we could’ve lost everybody. So don’t be mad at yourself. If you need to be mad at something, be mad at me, because knowing that everyone’s here and safe makes it all worth it. I’d do it all again in a heartbeat.”
    He stares at me. “Kat, I saw the scars.”
    “Yeah, and I was there when they got put there.” I throw back at him and pull my hand from his. He winces. “That’s exactly what makes it my thing to deal with. I mean, aren’t you happy that I’m back? Can’t you focus on that?”
    “Of course I’m happy.” Mason gets up and walks around the small card table. “I couldn’t be any happier.” He tugs me out of my chair and into his arms. “I don’t want to fight.” He leans down and plants a small kiss on one cheek. “I’m sorry.”
    Of course I melt. I don’t want to fight either. I give him a heart-achingly soft kiss before tucking my face into his chest. “I’m sorry, too.”
    “C’mon. We have an early start tomorrow and you need some rest.” Mason says. I don’t argue.

    We rush through breakfast the next morning. Captain Jennings and Dr. Ford wait when we arrive. There’s a quick knock on the door just as we settle

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