Night Thief
him—wrestling with the demon in the jungle, fighting to save his brothers and his people. A battle he would never win.
    Rita’s lips brushed his cheek, pulling him back to the present. “I did not mean to bring up painful memories.”
    “The demon was the beginning of the end for my people. She is the reason I came to France.” Rita rested her head back on his chest, and he leaned up to kiss her hair. “She cannot be killed, only caged. I never should have attacked her, but I had to do something. My anger made the decision for me.”
    “Does she still pursue you?”
    He shook his head letting his eyes drift closed. “No. We trapped her deep beneath the Yucatan jungle. She can no longer cross into the world of man.”
    “So you saved us all.”
    The shadow of loss twisted in his abdomen and the ghost of failure taunted him. “It was our duty as gods. We should have figured out how to stop her sooner, perhaps we could have saved more lives and been able to stand against the Spanish.”
    “Cortez attacked your people.”
    “Yes. My brothers and I were forced to separate and take the memories of the Maya with us to the four corners of the earth.”
    “A witness to their existence.”
    He kissed her hair. “We continue on as shadows of what we were.”
    He held her close, admiring the way her body fit into his arms. When her breathing slowed into sleep, he carefully rolled over, laying her onto the bed and pulling up the bedding to cover her. His lips caressed her forehead, and he stood. Bitterness spread through him. He didn’t want to leave her.
    The thought sobered him. He pulled on his pants and quietly left the room. When he reached his office, he groaned.
    Gerard had tidied his desk again.
    Kane sat down, shuffling the neat stacks of paper around in search of his ink well. Candlelight filled the hallway as Gerard approached.
    “I did not mean to wake you.” Kane didn’t look up from his desk when Gerard entered the room.
    “Can I assist you?”
    Kane sighed and finally glanced up at his drowsy manservant. “I truly wish that you could.”
    Gerard placed his candle on the corner of the desk and sat in the chair facing Kane. “Did you enjoy your evening with the lady?”
    Kane sat back in his chair. “She baffles me. I have never in my life wished for more time. In fact, saying it aloud sounds ludicrous. But when I am with her, I want time to stop. I want to learn everything about her so that I will always know how to make her smile. I want to protect her and give her everything.”
    Gerard grinned, the corners of his eyes wrinkling, betraying his age. “It sounds like love to me.”
    Kane shot up in surprise, sending the chair toppling over behind him. “Love?” He started pacing the room like his jaguar paced inside of his underground sanctuary. “There is no room in my existence for love.”
    Gerard stood and retrieved his candle. “Love will find a way.” He walked toward the door. “Your inkwell is in the top right drawer. And Monsieur?”
    Kane stopped, glancing over at Gerard.
    “ Mademoiselle Rousseau seems lovely…different from the ladies who usually seek to court your favor.”
    Kane nodded, lost in thought. “I have never met another woman like her.”
    Gerard gave a small bow and disappeared down the hall. Kane righted his chair and found his inkwell where Gerard said it would be. He dipped the tip of his pen and quickly wrote his letter.
    Outside, the sky lightened as the sun threatened to end the night. Kane made his way down the hall, sliding the note under her door.
    He didn’t trust himself to peer inside the room. Leaving her once tonight had been more than enough.
    Lifting the stone from the floor of his bedroom, he retreated into the darkness below his home.

    Chapter Eight
    Rita stretched in the soft bed. Her body felt sore, and the memory of making love to Kane warmed her all over again. For the first time in years, she felt cherished and safe. Although

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