Invasion USA 3 - The Battle for Survival
would be war between human armies with simple rifles and mortars, not fancy electronic machines. He backed up his theory with the loss of every one of the modern unmanned aircraft, fancy U.S. Air Force drones all of which were lost in flight. This was the latest direction the United States was taking to achieve military superiority. Now that technology is nothing more than destroyed scrap metal we are back to men fighting men with any old weapons that still work, mostly guns big and small. Yes, there are millions of rockets out there, but the only ones with any accuracy are the ones on a soldier’s shoulder and aimed by that man directly at its target with no GPS guidance. The rest, even though their rocketry will still work, all depend on electronics to get them to their targets, correct?”
    Again the soldiers discussed what Carlos said and agreed. General Rodriquez spoke up.
    “Carlos, what about the satellite you have operational, and the three Chinese satellites you captured last month? Philippe said that they are the only ones working. Could they be used to target rockets or atomic bombs?”
    “Yes and no,” he replied, parsing what was correct to say and what was top secret to the United States. “Our old Navistar satellite was not designed for that mission. The Chinese satellites were, but only for their own weapons, three of which were nuclear devices detonated over China and which must have killed millions of their own people. The fourth atomic missile we know of is now useless as we control the satellites. Whether we can reprogram them to handle what the United States has is something I will be working on in the future and I cannot answer that at this time.”
    “Will you keep us informed?” asked General Rodriquez.
    “I will share any information with Uncle Philippe that is allowed by the President of The United States,” stated Carlos bluntly.
    “Any new ideas on fighting guerrilla warfare such as we have always faced here in Colombia, Carlos?” asked Uncle Philippe.
    “Just one. You have how many operational C-130s?”
    “Seven,” was the reply from General Rodriquez. “The C-130 is the model for our 130-Cs and 130-Hs, but not of your fancy Gunships. They are beautiful!”
    “Just my point, General,” continued Carlos. “Fighter aircraft are always needed and can cover all types of fighting. Helicopters are just as important. You have both. In our last battle, I learned that the third important factor—and one the U.S. Air Force has utilized for decades—are slow, large, heavy attack aircraft. Massive bombers are useless in jungle or bush warfare. They learned that in Vietnam. Bombs are great against weapons factories but useless in the bush. Fighter aircraft are too fast in clearing vast expanses of bush from enemy soldiers, but great against metal targets such as military ground vehicles, or opposing air fighters. Helicopters are great for slow attack and the movement of troops, but cannot pack a heavy punch and cannot be well protected. After listening to General Allen flatten two buildings in Nanjing, China with two 105 mm guns, one in his Gunship,
Ghost Rider
—the one he died in—and our gunship here,
Blue Moon
, I believe that the most powerful aircraft for the foreseeable future is the AC-130 Gunship, fully armed.” The table was absolutely silent.
    “Could you get some of our C-130s turned into these Gunships by the Americans?” asked General Rodriquez, winking at Uncle Philippe. Philippe winked back with a smile on his face. Still talking, Carlos became perplexed.
    “I can only ask. I have the right connections but honestly, I don’t think the U.S. Air Force has thought about what I’ve just told you. They have no need to think that way at the moment. Their whole plan is to feed people right now, a problem you don’t have here,” Carlos responded. “But I will put the idea to General Patterson and the President. We have a meeting coming up next month.”
    “We could give

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