Compis: Five Tribes
next to him, red braid hanging over her shoulder. She smiled. “I know you, you're acquainted with my brother, yes?”
    “I met him the other day, and we've talked a bit,” said Luka, without committing to anything.
    “I'm Malina,” she said. “Come, Luka, I'll bring you to him.”
    “Thank you,” he said.
    “He's with Keran, but they won't mind if you join them,” and gesturing for him to follow, she led the way to the winged wagon.
    She opened the door and said something inaudible then turned to him and waved a hand for him to enter. He wasn't that tall, so his crouching was minimal as he stepped onto a foot stool and then inside the cool wagon. It is cool, he thought, though the day was warm. He wondered if there was a spell involved.
    The wagon was one of the more spacious, meant for eating and sleeping, so it had a sleeping area to the left, and to the right a fold-out table and bench. Keran and Ryd sat on one side eating some sort of bird. The smell made Luka's mouth water, and he remembered he hadn't eaten lunch.
    “Luka, join us for lunch!” said Keran. He pointed to the bench across from him and Ryd nodded, smiling.
    Luka slid into place and nodded to both men. Ryd laid a plate and ware for him, and then spooned out some meat and vegetables. Then he poured Luka a glass of cool wine and set it next to the plate. Needing no further invitation, Luka proceeded to eat, enjoying the mix of herbs and spices and the moistness of the meat.
    “So, how goes the life of an Initiate?” asked Keran, between sips of wine.
    “We got to see the High Council meeting today, and we go back again tomorrow, which is a relief, for I can not bear the thought of missing the conclusion to today's meeting. Have you heard of what happened?”
    “I have. We have been forming contacts among the Five Tribes,” said Keran. “I am interested to hear your thoughts, however. Ryd says you are a deep thinking fellow. What did you think of today's events?”
    “I think that though some of the conservatives may object, you will be granted a permanent merchantship to our gatherings, with some fair conditions attached.”
    “Yes, that is what I believe, as well,” said Keran.
    “There was another theory indirectly brought about,” continued Luka. “One of the Duor arguing in your favor mentioned that you are now filling a niche that the Ignis are losing ground on. It brought about an interesting idea among some of us... that maybe your end goal is to become a tribe and fill the void that Ignis has left. Or maybe even replace them altogether.”
    Ryd and Keran exchanged a glance and neither spoke.
    “Tell me that's not true! ” He didn't know any of them very well, but Zyander was a nice enough person. He didn't deserve betrayal.
    Keran laughed. “Luka, calm down! We admire the Ignis and seek no harm for them. And besides, we have no desire to be a tribe. If we were a tribe, where would the misfits go? Who would serve those who don't fit into the Five Tribes?
    “We the tribeless have an important purpose, and my goal is not to usurp any other tribe, but to offer an option to those who have no other place to go. You know that, Luka.”
    He was a fool, but he'd gotten so caught up in the events of the day that he'd forgotten to use reason.
    “You're right, I'm sorry. You've never led me to believe you wanted anything but fair trade and a measure of legitimacy. It was quite the meeting and I guess I was swept away in all the hubbub. What do you think they'll require of you?”
    “We're not sure, although Mordra gave a hint of what it might be,” said Ryd.
    “They'll probably make us swear an holy oath to Iam or some such nonsense,” said Keran with a snort.
    “Don't you believe in Iam?” asked Luka. It was a shocking idea.
    “Does anyone? Of all the people I've talked to, only the Divinaris believe in Iam. To everyone else Iam is just a name to throw around at ceremonies.”
    “Not to us,” said Luka. “Not to me.”

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