    roaming over her.
    “You taste like cock,” he muttered against her lips, and she couldn’t stop the giggle that escaped her.
    “Your cock. Does that bother you?” She circled her arms around his neck and hauled him close. He
    was completely nude, and she had every stitch of clothing still on, well minus her panties. His hands slid
    across her shoulders, down her arms and she shuddered at his touch.
    Something clouded his face, darkened his eyes for the briefest moment and then it cleared, as if it had
    never been there. “No, it doesn’t bother me.” He kissed her again, his tongue licking at the inside of her
    mouth, stroking deep.
    He tasted warm and spicy—his tongue slick and hot. Her hands wandered over his wide shoulders,
    streaked down across his collarbone, his firm pectoral muscles. He was built, deceptively so since he
    wasn’t some bulging show-off.
    No, Trevor was all lean, delicious muscular man.
    “Do you want me?” He broke the kiss and cupped her ass. His hands kneaded her flesh before he
    grabbed at the hem of her skirt and flipped it up, covering her bare cheeks with his hot palms.
    “Yes,” she hissed, drawing the word out, loving the way he touched her, firm and bold and yet soft
    and yielding. She melted in his arms, her legs widening the slightest bit, giving him better access and he
    took it, a finger sliding between her ass cheeks, delving down into her heated pussy.
    “God, I can tell. You’re fucking wet.” His finger searched her folds, the wet sound of her sex loud and
    juicy in the quiet of his apartment. She shivered, bit her lip hard when he slid a finger deep inside her
    greedy pussy. She clenched her muscles around it, wanting to keep him there. “And tight. Fucking you will
    be a pleasure.”
    “Did you think it would be anything else?” Her brows rose, her words a challenge because she
    couldn’t help herself.
    “No,” he whispered. He thrust his fingers deeper, as deep as he could go, in and out in a slow fuck.
    She moved against him, her hips churning, her ass pushing out. “You like this.”
    “I like the way you touch me,” she confessed, surprised that she could admit that. She usually didn’t
    like to, certainly not this early in the relationship.
    Karen Erickson
    But it’s not a relationship.
    Or so she tried to tell herself.
    “I like touching you.” His mouth poised over hers, his tongue licked at her lips. “I’m going to make
    you come so hard you won’t remember your name. I’m going to fuck your pussy, your ass. I already fucked
    your mouth. And I’m going to lick you. Everywhere. Taste your skin, your wet pussy, your pretty little ass.
    Would you like that?”
    “I won’t stop you.” She gave in to him with such ease it scared her. She wanted him so much she felt
    as if she couldn’t breathe.
    “I know you won’t.” He kissed her again, long and drugging and deep. “Let’s go to my bedroom.”
    He grabbed her hand and led the way. She struggled to keep up with him, her feet almost tripping over
    themselves. The second they entered the room she was in his arms, and he stripped the dress from her with
    rough hands. He almost tugged her head off with the ferocity he used to undress her. His sure fingers undid
    the clasp of her bra and whisked it off, sent it flying to the floor. She stepped out of her sandals, groaned
    when he pulled the band from her hair and let it free and she stood before him, naked and vulnerable and
    suddenly unsure.
    “Lie back on the bed and spread your legs.” His quiet command made her turn around, and she
    studied him as he stood in the shadows. “Do it, Scarlett.”
    Without a word, she went to the bed and laid across it flat on her back, her legs spread wide and bent
    at the knees, feet planted firmly. She was on display just for him, showing everything. He went to the foot
    of the bed, studying her with an intensity that made her want to close her legs and turn away

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