Banged Up

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Book: Banged Up by Jeanne St James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeanne St James
continuing on to her anus. He circled the tight hole with his damp fingers. He so wanted to break that barrier, but it was too soon. He made his way back up and slid them home into her pussy, as deep as he could get them. His lips, tongue and teeth continued to play with her clit.
    Somewhere in his foggy mind, he heard her whimpering and crying out. Her fingers dug into his hair, grabbing tightly, causing pain, clenching and unclenching. He moved down and licked the folds of her labia, his fingers driving in and out. Even though he was holding her down, her hips fought against him to match every thrust.
    He couldn’t take anymore. His balls were so tight, his cock so hard, it was the most painful pleasure he’d ever experienced. She tugged on his hair, lifting his head up. She grabbed him under the arms trying to lift him over her, but he was too heavy. He gave her clit a last lingering lick, savoring the taste, and rolled away from her, feeling his way in the dark for the nightstand drawer. He located the drawer and soon found what he was looking for within it. He gave a silent thanks to himself for remembering to buy a new box. He ripped open the condom and rolled it down his length.
    Mace rolled onto his back, his cock sticking straight out from his body. He didn’t think it had ever been this hard in his life! He felt out in the dark and found Colby’s arm, moving her closer. He reached over, grabbed her waist with both hands and lifted her up and over him. She settled, straddling his thighs, his cock brushing against her wet curls.
    She moved forward and rubbed her pussy along the length of him. The warm folds nestled his balls, rode along his cock until she slowed and paused when the head prodded her opening. She raised herself up, wiggling her hips until the crown was lined up perfectly. Just the tip was tucked into her wet heat.
    He reached out to touch her breasts. She had finished removing her shirt and bra so they hung unhindered. He palmed the weight of them, pushing them together so the nipples were touching. He snagged both tips and rolled them between his fingers and thumbs.
    She collapsed onto him with a moan, burying his cock deep within her. She continued to writhe around him as he twisted and plucked her nipples. She rode him hard, wildly, easing all the way up before slamming herself down, taking every bit of him and clearly wanting more. The harder he pinched, the deeper she ground herself against him.
    He released her nipples so he could grab her ass cheeks. His fingers dug in, controlling her movements, slowing her down. He thrust up as she came down. He reached underneath her from behind and could feel the wetness and her folds spread, the delicate skin stretched, engulfing his cock. He ran a finger between the strip of skin between her pussy and her anus and back again. And once more. His finger was wet with her juices and he circled her virgin hole. He was so tempted, so, so tempted. He pressed against the tightness. He fought against the urge because he didn’t want to scare her.
    She was riding him frantically, squeezing his cock with her pussy muscles. Her inner walls were hot, silky and tight. Shit, he was going to blow his load soon. Colby appeared to be on the edge once again, herself. He stroked her tight rim and felt it relax a bit, before making his move. He slid a finger in and she screamed and convulsed around him, spasming with orgasm. With his finger deep within her ass and his cock even deeper in her cunt, he let go. He came and came and came while her vaginal muscles milked him dry.
    As she collapsed, he let her go, tucking her limp body against his. His heart was pounding frantically and his cock was still twitching. He slipped off the condom and wrapped it in a tissue. He’d get rid of it later. He couldn’t move even if he tried. That was un-fucking-believable.
    Before losing consciousness, he realized neither of them had spoken a word.

Chapter Five
    The sun felt warm on her

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