A Little Harmless Fantasy

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Book: A Little Harmless Fantasy by Melissa Schroeder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Schroeder
Capturing her gaze, he took a long
stroke into his mouth. He gagged a bit against the tip of Rory’s
penis, but he didn’t care. In fact, it turned him on more, it
always did. Still he was more aroused by the fact that she was
watching them. He could feel her avid attention and it spurred his
own arousal to new heights.
    Rory pulled his dick out of Zeke’s mouth then leaned down to
kiss him. It wasn’t a frantic kiss. Instead, it was slow and
wet. It grabbed Zeke by the heart and tugged—as Rory could
always do to him. Rory moved behind him, settling on the mattress. He
used a bit of lube to ease his finger in. Zeke paused and groaned as
Rory thrust his way into his ass.
    “Fuck, that feels so good, babe,” Rory said, his voice
low and rough.
    Rory started to move and Zeke let him take over. Using Rory’s
set rhythm, Zeke reveled in the connection to both his lovers. These
two people were such a big part of his life, and now, together they
were linked. Arousal and overwhelming joy was the feeling of being
connected to both of his lovers; each time Rory pressed into his ass,
he thrust into Maura. Over and over they repeated the motions. Her
moans grew louder. He leaned down and took her mouth in a bruising
kiss. With every bit of power he had in him, he wanted her to know
that he loved her. Without words. She returned the kiss, slipping her
hands up his chest then to his shoulders. At the same time, Rory bent
down to kiss Zeke’s neck. Right then, it was as perfect as Zeke
thought life would ever be. Intoxicating, addicting…he didn’t
think he would ever get enough of these two people.
    In the next instant, Maura came on a scream, surprising them all how
fast she came. Her muscles clamped down hard on his cock, pulling him
deeper into her core. Still, he held back. He wanted this to last as
long as they could make it.
    They continued,
pushing her, holding back themselves as she came two more times. When
she was still shivering from her third orgasm, Zeke allowed the
pleasure to wash over him, through him. He thrust one last time into
her and surrendered to his needs. A second later, Rory thrust into
his ass and followed both he and Maura into bliss.
    * * * *

    Maura woke a short time later when she moved her foot and came in
contact with a hard, muscled leg.
    “Watch it there, girlie,” Zeke said, his voice thick with
heavy satisfaction and sleep. “I need that shin.”
    He was curled up behind her, his arms wrapped tight around her. She
snuggled back against him enjoying the feel of his bare flesh against
hers. As she drew in a deep breath, she smelled both men’s
natural scents and felt her heart jerk. She was in way over her head,
not sure just where this was heading. But, dammit, she was loving it
at the moment.
    She opened her eyes. There was a wide expanse of bed open before her.
She knew that Zeke was on the edge of the bed on his side. Rory
wasn’t in bed with them. She heard the shower running.
    “Sorry,” she said.
    He kissed the back of her neck. “How are you feeling?”
    She loved his voice always, but she particularly loved it when there
was a bit of husky sleep in it. The intimacy of it always made her
toes curl. “Like I have just been to heaven and back.”
    He chuckled. Maura could feel the vibration of it against her back.
“And we’ve just started.”
    She shivered then turned around to face him. His eyes were barely
open, but his mouth was curved. She had wanted to be back in his bed
for months, but knew that it wouldn’t have worked—not
forever. Everything in her soul wanted to be near him, but their
issues in bed would have overwhelmed the relationship. Before she had
worked through whether it had been the best decision or not, Rory had
arrived to work at the company. She had known then she could never
compete with the love of Zeke’s life.
    Mentally, she shoved that thought away. Regret was something she was
trying to avoid. During this week, she was going to live in

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