A Scandalous Past (Regency Romance, Book 4)
    The marquess paid his friend no attention,
but continued in his booming voice. “My dear, you should make him
take you along the Bath Road and give you a real ride. The wind
through your hair, no pedestrians to watch out for.”
    Clayworth placed his spoon back on the
table, a little harder than was necessary, and glared at his
friend. “I can’t even believe that you would suggest such a thing,
    The marquess waved him off with a flick of
his wrist. “Honestly, Brendan, I’m having a conversation with Miss
Avery. No one has included you.” Then he turned his light green
eyes on Cordie, a mischievous smile on his face. “As I was saying,
my dear--”
    “That you would even suggest that I would
risk her safety,” Clayworth interrupted, then he grumbled something
unintelligible, though Cordie thought it sounded like he thought
she risked her own safety more than enough and didn’t need any help
from him.
    She scowled in response. She was perfectly
safe and had been her whole life, before their paths even
    Astwick chuckled, completely unmoved by his
friend’s irritation. “Brendan, you’re an excellent driver. Miss
Avery seems like an adventurous sort to me.  I’m certain she’d
be perfectly safe in your hands and would enjoy the ride
    “I think that sounds like an excellent
idea,” the dowager barked from her spot several people down. It was
quite improper for the old woman to talk over so many people from
so far away, but no one would ever consider rebuking her. “Lady
Avery,” she called even further down the table, “I suggest you
allow Clayworth to take your delightful daughter for a spirited
    Cordie’s mother’s eyes widened, as though
trying to sort out the proper protocol for this bizarre
conversation. Finally she nodded. “If you think that’s wise, my
    “I’m always right,” the dowager confirmed,
then turned her attention back to wherever it was before she
bellowed across the room.
    Clayworth glared at Astwick. “Are you happy
    “Quite,” the marquess replied as he dipped
his spoon into his
    The idea of racing along the Bath Road in
that exquisite phaeton made Cordie’s heart leap. That particular
conveyance was made to go fast. It sounded exciting. Would he
really take her? If so, would he drive at breakneck speed or like
an old farmer with a horse cart?  She chanced a glance at the
earl, who was frowning at his bowl.
    “You don’t have to take me, my lord,” she
said, with a mischievous smile of her own. “I’m certain I can find
someone else who is willing.”
    Brendan’s eyes shot to her pretty green ones
in an instant. Someone else who is willing . He knew exactly
who she had in mind. He should throttle Chet for even bringing the
subject up. Damn interfering friends. “On the contrary, Miss Avery,
nothing would please me more.”
    Taking her for a spirited ride
. He
wished the image that flashed in his mind at the phrase had been of
his phaeton and bays on the Bath Road. Unfortunately it was a
different sort of ride altogether he envisioned. Cordelia Avery
beneath him. Her soft breath on his lips. Her green eyes tinted
with passion. Her breasts bared for his touch. Her legs spread
waiting for him. For the love of God! This wasn’t like him at
    Perfectly safe in his hands
Bollocks. At the moment, he wasn’t certain she was any safer with
him than with Haversham.
    “You don’t look very pleased.” Her quiet
voice interrupted his thoughts.
    Of course he wasn’t pleased. Brendan always
prided himself on his excellent control of any situation, but he
didn’t seem to be in control of anything in her presence. Not of
her, certainly, but not of himself either. When he’d found her in
Haversham’s embrace that afternoon, he’d wanted to kill the man in
his spot. He wasn’t prone to violence and he didn’t have
uncontrollable, lascivious

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