even bat an eyelash at her or me. I guess he’s used to seeing lots of pretty people. “I need to see Cadence Norton’s ID to verify.” His words come out low and menacing, like we might be lying and, as I open my wallet to get my driver’s license, I wonder if I might be.
Jessica plays it off cool. She’s even flirty. “Sure.” She turns to me but I’m already unzipping my purse. Jessica goes on. “It’s my friend’s twenty-first birthday. You should come upstairs with us and party.”
He keeps a straight face. “I’m working.”
I hand over my ID. He looks at it, then at me, then hands it back. I put it away as the emotionless bouncer stands, unhooks the red velvet rope, and smiles. “Welcome to Studio 45. Enjoy your party.”
“Um, it’s me and her and these…” I trail off and count in my head. “Twenty,” I finally say.
“Sure.” He lets them all in.
There’s another bouncer at the door. He’s blocking our entrance. “How many?” he asks in a deep voice.
“Twenty-two so far,” I say.
He nods and then speaks into something I can’t see. “Alicia, the Norton party is here. Please escort them to the VIP.” He barely raises his voice. I’m shocked I heard him.
While we wait for Alicia, I turn back to the bouncer near the red velvet rope. He’s hooking it back up and dealing with a couple of obvious teenage girls who have on less clothes than me. They’re trying to get in.
“Come on. We’ll do whatever you want.”
“Go home and study,” he says. “You’re aren’t getting into this club on my watch.”
They walk away, their bodies swaying into each other. As soon as they’re gone more bombard him. Several people from the line are shouting that they’re part of the Norton party too. I stand next to him and whisper in his ear. “I believe everyone’s here but John Cruze and his date, Scarlett.”
He gives me a strange look. “Really?”
“What can I say?” I shrug and smile.
He looks at me like I’m lying. “Okay,” he finally says, giving me a once over. “Be safe.”
“I will,” I reply and walk over to Jessica, who’s waiting by the door.
A tall waitress with frizzy red hair appears. “Norton party?”
“That’s us,” Jessica shouts.
“Follow me.”
“Here we go,” Jessica says, and we walk in together.
The VIP room is huge. Black velvet curtains cover all the walls except the one looking over the dance floor. It’s only half a wall and made of glass. There are black and white and gray leather couches and chairs placed along the edges and right in front of the wall overlooking the main club dance floor. The tabletops are made of thick tempered glass. The ceiling is painted black and covered in thousands of tiny lights so it looks like stars. Near the entrance is a buffet table lined with all sorts of yummy hors d’oeuvres. There are three other VIP rooms upstairs, but they’re off limits.
Private , the waitress said.
Jessica, my friends, and I dance, drink, and party until just before midnight. A caterer wheels in a two tiered birthday cake. It’s red—the color of my dress—with black polka dots. On top stand a pair of shiny black stilettoes made out of modeling chocolate. They have glitter on them so they sparkle whenever they catch the light. Twenty-one red candles surround the shoes.
My friends sing happy birthday and I make a wish. Zane! His face. His name is all I can think.
Once the candles are out, several waitresses pass around shots. Then I cut the cake. Underneath the red fondant is chocolate cake layered with strawberry mousse. It’s the best fucking cake I’ve ever tasted. I ask the woman who brought the cake out if I can keep the shoes. She sets them aside and tells me she’ll have them for me at the end of the night.
All the booze is free. I’m guessing it’s paid for. A part of me thinks this is Cruze’s doing, except he hasn’t shown up yet. I can’t help wondering if he’s mad