More Than Jamie Baker (Jamie Baker #2)

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Book: More Than Jamie Baker (Jamie Baker #2) by Kelly Oram Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Oram
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, YA), Sci-Fi, Superhero, teen
that I knew she understood. She seemed nervous, but then she glanced at Teddy and shook her head, letting me know it was okay.
    “You guys really aren’t going to go?” Teddy asked.
    Ryan pulled me to him, pressing my back firmly against his chest. With his arms in a firm grip around my stomach, he kissed my neck and smiled at Teddy. “It’s been a long week. I need some alone time with my girl. You know how it is.”
    Teddy gave Ryan an incredulous look. “I wish, buddy.” His frown grew as Ryan whispered in my ear and kissed my neck again. “You guys are kind of hard to stomach, you know that?”
    Becky burst into laughter. “Ryan and Jamie invented PDA, but don’t worry. You’ll get used to it.”
    “Or you could leave and let us get it out of our systems in private,” I suggested, playfully sticking my tongue out at my best friend.
    “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Becky grabbed Teddy’s arm and headed for the door. “Come on, Teodoro. Let’s leave the lovebirds to their own devices.”
    “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Teddy asked as Becky dragged him into the hall. “They look like they need an intervention.”
    I listened to Becky’s laughter ring all the way down the hall and sighed. “Teddy’s going to be good for her.”
    “He seems like a cool enough guy,” Ryan said, but he was obviously not interested in Teddy.
    I shivered at the feel of his lips on my skin and suddenly became desperate for a whole lot more of him. I threw my arms around his neck, pulling him down on my bed with me.
    He indulged me for a minute, but then said, “Later. Right now I really do have a surprise for you.”
    I laughed and wouldn’t let him get to his feet like he was trying to do. “The last time you said that, all you had for me was a pile of comic books. I’m pretty sure those were more for you than me.”
    “Those were for me. Last time, I just wanted to see you. But this time, I have a real surprise. It’s over at my dorm.”
    “If it’s a spandex suit or tall boots and a trench coat, you can forget it. If it resembles Wonder Woman in any way, you’d better just start saying your prayers now.”
    “Someday,” Ryan threatened, “you will give in to me. You always do.”
    Ryan smiled a big, bright, goofy smile at me. “I love when you make that face. You’re so cute when you try to scowl at me.”
    I’m pretty sure I made that face—whichever face it was—again.
    “Let’s go. I’ll take you out to dinner first. I heard about this awesome Mexican place. We have to try it.”
    That made me get up. “Mmm. Now you’re talking. I’m starving. Where is this awesome Mexican place? I didn’t think Sacramento had any awesome food.”
    Ryan gave me a grin that screamed of trouble. “Vegas.”
    “As in Las Vegas? Nevada?”
    “The very one.”
    I raised one of my eyebrows into a high arch. “You thinking drive-thru elopement?”
    “I’m thinking …” Ryan laughed, “that Las Vegas is on the way to the Grand Canyon, and since you’ve abolished the No Superkissing rule, we can finally take that trip you owe me.”
    I frowned. Ryan looked so excited, and I was about to burst his bubble. “I wouldn’t say I’ve abolished the No Superkissing rule. The other night was an exception, but we can’t just start doing it all the time.”
    “Jamie, come on. Don’t make me call you a party pooper again. The other night I didn’t just do my reading; I finished three of my textbooks in an hour, and then I slept like a baby. I promise I have no brain damage whatsoever.”
    Talk about having certain looks…No one can give the sad puppy dog eyes like Ryan. I’m completely susceptible to his pout. He knows it, too, and uses it like it’s a weapon.
    I gave in, like I always do. “All right. We can do away with the No Superkissing rule. But we have to start small—the way we did with all the rest of my powers. A little experiment here and there, like at the hospital and with your homework. Then, if

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